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小站教育为各位考试提供免费在线批改服务,今天托福写作批改板块给各位考生带来的批改是:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now.


Currently, the issue of education has been so much concerned to a point where a wide range of discussion has been aroused. In particular, some people maintain that teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now. However, I am on the opposite side of this opinion. Personally, I regard that this claim oversimplifies the situation. I believe that the teachers today receive more respect and appreciation from the public.

To begin with, I have to concede that the teachers in the past receive the respect as well. Teaching has always been perceived as one of the most meaningful job since centuries before. Were not for the hard work of the teachers, the world would not be so prosperous as it is today. Besides, in the past when education resources were not abundant, achieving the knowledge from teacher in the school was so important that teacher were respected by the society.

Nevertheless, we can never conclude from above to the claim that the teachers today are not as appreciated by the public as they were before. Actually, it is the rocketing development of the technology in the modern society that lead the teacher being respected by the majority than ever before. As is often the case, the education is acknowledged as a complicated task whose solution contains both the efforts of the students and the guide from the teacher. In modern society, there is almost no chance for the individual achieve the success without the help from the teacher for the tremendous amount knowledge and information. Especially for the undergraduate students, only with the guide from the professors will they have the direction of the academic as well as the development of the personality. The case concerning myself will largely exemplify my claim. With the influence and the help of the knowledgeable professors, I have made progress in many subject including the economics and mathematics in the campus, which lead me to appreciate the professors a lot.

What is more, the increasing competition in the modern society serves as the catalyst which will largely emphasize the education, which will then lead the teacher being valued highly by the society. Wth the reference of the survey conducted by the researchers from the Oxford University, there are more than 70 percent of the high school students are in desperate need to pursue further education in the college.And this ratio is much higher than before. Besides, the salary of the teacher, no matter in junior high school or in university, is increasing in these years, which will be an evident signal of the respect teachers have.

At last, teachers today are more passionate and professional than the teacher in the distant past. The teachers in modern education system are either specialized in a given field or willing to contact with the youth, being eager to guide the young boys and girls in the positive direction. However, this was not always the case in the past. A hundred years ago, for example, some people chose teaching as the job only because this was one of the few jobs available to them. Thus they were not necessarily willing to communicate with the youth and build the bond with them. What they care was just the steady salary. Compared with before, teachers today will do better job in education and enjoy the career life they choose.

To sum up, as I illustrate above, the teachers today will receive more respect from the public for the great demand of education resources as well as their better capacity for teaching. On the contrary, the consequence of claim the teachers in the before deserve more appreciation would be disastrous and infectious.


Currently, the issue of education has been so much concerned to a point where a wide range of discussion has been aroused. In particular, some people maintain that teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now. However, I am on the opposite side of this opinion. Personally, I regard that this claim oversimplifies the situation. I believe that the teachers today receive more respect and appreciation from the public.【可以;为了再高 你点分 你可以标新立异下开头 讲个小故事引入或者报道调查之类的】

To begin with, I have to concede that the teachers in the past receive the respect as well. Teaching has always been perceived as one of the most meaningful job since centuries before. Were not for the hard work of the teachers, the world would not be so prosperous as it is today. Besides, in the past when education resources were not abundant, achieving the knowledge from teacher in the school was so important that teacher were respected by the society.[keyi ]

Nevertheless, we can never conclude from above to the claim that the teachers today are not as appreciated by the public as they were before. 【分论据这点总洁性要强 而且尽量要出彩】Actually, it is the rocketing development of the technology in the modern society that lead the teacher being respected by the majority than ever before. As is often the case, the education is acknowledged as a complicated task whose solution contains both the efforts of the students and the guide from the teacher. In modern society, there is almost no chance for the individual [to ]achieve the success without the help from the teacher for the tremendous amount knowledge and information. Especially for the undergraduate students, only with the guide from the professors will they have the direction of the academic as well as the development of the personality. The case concerning myself will largely exemplify my claim. With the influence and the help of the knowledgeable professors, I have made progress in many subject including the economics and mathematics in the campus, which lead me to appreciate the professors a lot. 【这段里面逻辑还挺好 论证方法单一 倒不是说不好 你时间那么紧 用例子 对比 解释 名言肯定更容易凑字数 又显得逻辑号 写得又快又好 何乐而不为】

What is more, the increasing competition in the modern society serves as the catalyst which will largely emphasize the education, which will then lead the teacher being valued highly by the society. Wth the reference of the survey conducted by the researchers from the Oxford University, there are more than 70 percent of the high school students are in desperate need to pursue further education in the college.And this ratio is much higher than before. Besides, the salary of the teacher, no matter in junior high school or in university, is increasing in these years, which will be an evident signal of the respect teachers have.【还可以】

At last, teachers today are more passionate and professional than the teacher in the distant past.【简洁但不够出彩 这里一定要用上好的句型跟闪光词汇 做好面子活】The teachers in modern education system are either specialized in a given field or willing to contact with the youth, being eager to guide the young boys and girls in the positive direction. However, this was not always the case in the past. A hundred years ago, for example, some people chose teaching as the job only because this was one of the few jobs available to them. Thus they were not necessarily willing to communicate with the youth and build the bond with them. What they care was just the steady salary. Compared with before, teachers today will do better job in education and enjoy the career life they choose.【可以】

To sum up, as I illustrate above, the teachers today will receive more respect from the public for the great demand of education resources as well as their better capacity for teaching. On the contrary, the consequence of claim the teachers in the before deserve more appreciation would be disastrous and infectious.


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