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  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now.


  Teaching has always been perceived as one of the most meaningful jobs, dating back to ancient times. Were there no hard work of teachers, the world would not be as prosperous as it is today. However, teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now due to several reasons.

  First of all, the advent of some inferior teachers harms the reputation of the e teacher group. In other words, teachers with relatively low academic level leave a bad impression on their students, thus making people not trust teachers at all. For example, my little cousin went to cram school when he was fourteen years old, and unfortunately he experienced an inferior teacher. He was asked to finish endless questions, only to get printed answers from the tutor without further explanations. As a result, he complained a lot about the teacher and influenced people around him. Students who once were taught by inferior teachers will easily misunderstand teachers. Gradually, people may frown on teachers and value them less than before.

  Second, even though people meet a knowledgeable teacher, he or she may just focus on writing papers in order to get advanced professional titles rather than teaching. In light of the promotion system, only by publishing a certain number of papers can teachers obtain what they want. For instance, I could hardly have access to a professor who taught me Intermediate Financial Accounting, because he seldom stayed in his office and was always busy with his papers or something else. Under such a circumstance, he just gave lessons on time and communicated very little, if any, with students. Hence, even a knowledgeable teacher may educate his students to a limited extent, it is not uncommon that teachers are now less appreciated by the society.

  Lastly, the burgeoning upgrade of technologies is broadening people’s access to knowledge and information. That is to say, advanced technologies make it possible for self-study of students, which reduces the reliance on teachers. By virtue of surfing the Internet, students can find almost everything they need, such as the solution to the difficult assignment, detailed background information and the crucial data for the paper. It is obvious that this case is definitely different as it was before. It was the lack of technologies which can be taken advantage of that stand in the way for students of fulfilling study by themselves. Students at that time owned less study supplementary: computers, the Internet, electronic dictionaries, and thus they especially needed the aid from teachers. Therefore, people in the past regarded teachers in a much more respected way.

  Admittedly, teachers are still playing a vital role in educating students. However, to sum up, teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than in this day and age.


  Teaching has always been perceived as one of the most meaningful jobs[用 professions], dating back to ancient times. Were there no hard work of teachers, the world would not [用would have been]be as prosperous as it is today. However, teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are[尽量不要去原封不动地重复题干,这里你可以反过来说。 现在,教师are less ..] now due to several reasons.

  First of all, the advent of some inferior teachers harms the reputation of the e [the注意细节,e去掉] teacher group [改为…of the teacher as a whole]. In other words, teachers with relatively low academic level leave a bad impression on their students, thus making people not trust teachers at all. [也不至于完全不信任吧] For example, my little cousin went to cram school when he was fourteen years old, and unfortunately he experienced an inferior teacher. He was asked to finish endless questions, [question的搭配是answer。没有finish question的说法] only to get printed answers [只是答案的话,应该是keys。不是什么printed answer,这样老外是看不懂的] from the tutor without further explanations. As a result, he complained a lot about the teacher and influenced people around him. Students who once were taught by inferior teachers will easily misunderstand teachers. Gradually, people may frown on teachers and value them less than before. [其实,一个low academic的老师只是代表其学术水平而已,不代表他是否有能力解答等,所以你在说的时候就有问题了]

  Second, even though 是if]people meet a knowledgeable teacher, he or she may just focus on writing papers in order to get advanced professional titles rather than teaching. In light of the promotion system [如果担心国外老师不明白这个,你可以稍作解释的,做一个背景介绍,但一定简短], only by publishing a certain number of papers can teachers obtain what they want. For instance, I could hardly have access to a professor who taught me Intermediate Financial Accounting, because he seldom stayed in his office and was always busy with his papers or something else. Under such a circumstance, he just gave lessons on time and communicated very little, if any, with students. Hence, even a knowledgeable teacher may educate his students to a limited extent, it is not uncommon that teachers are now less appreciated by the society.

  Lastly, the burgeoning upgrade of technologies is broadening people’s access to knowledge and information. That is to say, [这种衔接不一定需要,可以去掉]advanced technologies make it possible for self-study of students, which reduces the reliance on teachers. By virtue of surfing the Internet, students can find almost everything they need, such as the solution to the difficult assignment, detailed background information and the crucial data for the paper. It is obvious that this case is definitely different as it was before. [其实后面的整个部分都可以不要。只要你在叙述现在的状况时加一个比较级就可以] It was the lack of technologies which can be taken advantage of that stand in the way for students of fulfilling study by themselves. Students at that time owned less study supplementary: computers, the Internet, electronic dictionaries, and thus they especially needed the aid from teachers. Therefore, people in the past regarded teachers in a much more respected way.

  Admittedly, teachers are still playing a vital role in educating students. However, to sum up, teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than in this day and age.



