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  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement.To improve the quality of education, universities should spend more money on salaries for university professors.


  An increasing number of people are caring about how to improve the quality of education, especially in universities. As for spending more money on salaries for university professors, different ideas are displayed because of various value systems and standpoints. In my view, as a university student, I don't agree with the statement that simply raising professors' salaries can effectively enhance education quality.

  To begin with, professors' behaviors and sense of responsibility cannot be evaluated or promoted by money. Qualified teachers will always do their best to offer support and introduction to students who really need it, and they don't need to be impulsed by extremely high salaries. On the contrary, as for teachers who are incapable and irresponsible, even if they earn a huge amount of money annually, they won't be inspired by the salaries and contribute to their students better. Thus, spending more money on professors' salaries lends few benefits to improve education quality.

  Besides this, even though it is efficient and beneficial to education quality, raising professors salaries cost unexpected too much money, which reduces its verification comparatively. There are countless professors in a university in contemporary world, and it is imperative and essential for relevant department in universities to distribute the salary equally. As a result, if one excellent professor's salary is raised, all of others should be treated as the same way, no matter they deserve it or not, or they may make complaints and behave more careless in their teaching programs. Considering of this amount of money, it is not wise to invest millions of money on this item and gain little achievement.

  Moreover, other method should be required to improve the education quality in a more effectively and cost-saving way. For example, universities could appropriate more money into researches to attract students to join in the academic projects, finding out their own potential. Also, more money can be spent on student funding meaningfully, which will inspire students to study harder to compete with their partners.

  To sum up, there are several critical approaches to enhance education quality besides spending money on professors' salaries. Though other methods may have their drawbacks, universities should not be limited to one solution. In addition, realizing students' requirements and feelings should be the first thing to do, since all these possible changes are based on students, the main subject of education.


  An increasing number of people are caring about how to improve the quality of education, especially in[that of] universities. As for spending more money on salaries for university professors, different ideas are displayed because of various value systems and standpoints【跟上句承接的不是特别自然】. In my view[可以去掉], as a university student, I don't agree with the statement that simply raising professors' salaries can effectively enhance education quality.

  To begin with, professors' behaviors and sense of responsibility cannot be evaluated or promoted by money. Qualified teachers will always do their best to offer support and introduction[offer introduction??什么样的introduction?] to students who really need it, and they don't need to be impulsed by[???] extremely high salaries. On the contrary, as for teachers who are incapable and irresponsible, even if they earn a huge amount of money annually, they won't be inspired by the salaries and contribute to their students better[contribute用在此处不是很合适]. Thus, spending more money on professors' salaries lends few benefits to improve education quality.【感觉想要表达的意思比较明确,但是绕来绕去,语言表达不是特别明朗】

  Besides this[去掉], even though it is efficient and beneficial to education quality, raising professors salaries cost[costs] unexpected too much【too much是修饰形容词,改为too much unexpected money】money, which reduces its verification comparatively【its verification表意不明】. There are countless professors in a university in contemporary world, and it is imperative and essential for relevant department in universities to distribute the salary equally. As a result, if one excellent professor's salary is raised, all of others should be treated as{at} the same way, no matter they deserve it or not, or they may make complaints and behave more careless in their teaching programs[不一定如此,逻辑有点说不通]. Considering of this amount of money[taking this amount of money into consideration], it is not wise to invest millions of money on this item and gain little achievement.

  Moreover, other method[methods] should be required[很少用被动态] to improve the education quality in a more effectively and cost-saving way. For example, universities could appropriate more money into researches to attract students to join in the academic projects, finding out their own potential. Also, more money can be spent on student funding meaningfully【?】, which will inspire students to study harder to compete with their partners.

  To sum up, there are several critical approaches to enhance education quality besides spending money on professors' salaries. Though other methods may have their drawbacks, universities should not be limited to one solution. In addition, realizing students' requirements and feelings should be the first thing to do, since all these possible changes are based on students, the main subject of education.



