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  Dear Sir or Madam:
  I am glad to recommend XXX  to you in my capacity as his English teacher. He is an outgoing young man who I know very well both academically and personally. It is my pleasure to write this recommendation letter for him.
  我在高二的最后一年,也就是2013年2月开始作为分班后的指导老师,开始教XXX所在的班级。 虽然只有短短几个月的接触时间,但是XXX留给了我十分深刻的印象。 他是同学的好榜样,老师的好帮手。
  This school has a particularly strong reputation for English teaching, and we push our students’ skills to the utmost. Mr.XXX’s skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening to English are excellent.
  I still remember that in the first class in which I taught him, I asked all students to make a presentation on whatever they were interested in or good at. XXXX introduced the exchange program he attended in this summer , especially on the curriculum settings and course description in USA. During this, Mr. XX’s pure pronunciation and intonation and his wide range of vocabulary made a deep impression on me. In subsequent classes he spoke on a wide range of topics, and my opinion of him skills grew deeper. I have to say , Mr. xxx ’s input into class activities motivated students’ learning enthusiasm.
  当我得知XXX要出国求学的时候,我感到很高兴。XXX is definitely equipped with all the potential he will need to succeed in this field. I am delighted to give my strong support to his application to your program, and I hope you will give him your most positive consideration.