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2024年08月14日11:18 来源:小站整理
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Good morning/afternoon, examiners. It's a great honor to be here today to introduce myself for the TOEFL test. My name is [Your Name], and I come from [Your Hometown], a vibrant city/town known for its [briefly describe something notable about your hometown, e.g., rich cultural heritage, stunning natural scenery].

I am currently a [Year] student majoring in [Your Major] at [Your University]. My academic journey in this field has been both challenging and rewarding, as it has not only deepened my understanding of [mention a key aspect of your major], but also sparked my passion for [related interest or future aspiration]. I am particularly fascinated by [a specific topic or research area within your major], which has inspired me to delve deeper into the subject through various projects and extracurricular activities.

Outside of academics, I am an avid [mention a hobby or interest, e.g., reader, traveler, volunteer]. This hobby/interest has not only enriched my personal life but also broadened my horizons. For instance, my love for reading has allowed me to explore diverse cultures and perspectives, while volunteering has taught me the value of empathy and teamwork.

One of my proudest achievements is [share a specific accomplishment, e.g., winning a competition, leading a successful project, overcoming a personal challenge]. This experience not only demonstrated my [mention a skill or quality, e.g., leadership, perseverance, creativity], but also instilled in me a sense of accomplishment and motivation to strive for even greater heights.

As I aspire to further my education and embark on new adventures, I recognize the importance of strong English communication skills. That's why I am here today, determined to showcase my English proficiency through the TOEFL test. I believe that mastering English will not only enhance my academic pursuits but also open doors to endless opportunities for international exchange and collaboration.

In conclusion, I am excited about the prospect of demonstrating my English language abilities in this test. I am confident that my passion for learning, coupled with my dedication and hard work, will enable me to achieve my goals. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to the challenge ahead.




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