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【实例解析】应对托福听力细节题 需注意2大细节

2015年04月30日11:44 来源:小站整理
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【实例解析】应对托福听力细节题 需注意2大细节图1




1. 考查明晰的细节,过分的细节是不会考的;

2. 细节出现的形式分为:事实、解释、例子、支持内容与文章主旨联系和与主题不甚相关的内容。





多指专业名词有解释、有定义的地方,其中的keyword就以mean、be动词表示定义,有called、有refer to的地方。

例(官方真题Official10 LECTURE2)The Nightshade family is a category of plants which also includes many that you wouldn’t want to eat.


多出现有学生插话,比如,I’m sorry, professor, did you just say ……, 或老师插话,比如oops, let me back up a bit, before I go on ……

例(官方真题Official10 LECTURE2)

Student: I’m sorry Professor Jones. But I mean yeah ok. American crops have probably contributed a lot to European cooking over the years. But…

Professor: But have they really played any kind of important role in European history?



我们先看个例子官方真题Official10 LECTURE2:

13 What does the professor imply about certain plants in the nightshade family?

A They grow best in Mediterranean climates.

B Their leaves are high in nutritional value.

C They were mistakenly believed to be related to potatoes.

D They are dangerous when eaten by human beings.

【实例解析】应对托福听力细节题 需注意2大细节图2


14 What does the professor imply about Thomas Jefferson's attitude toward tomatoes?

A It was typical of his unconventional way of thinking.

B It helped to advance his political career.

C It changed the eating habits of North Americans.

D It helped to make tomatoes popular in Europe.


15 According to the professor, what was the long effect of the introduction of American corn and potatoes to Europe?

A It had a negative effect on the nutritional intake of people living near the Mediterranean Sea.

B It contributed to a shift in the balance of power from southern Europe to northern Europe.

C It encouraged the development of new types of cuisine in southern Europe.

D It led to the failure of many native European grain crops.

(不是facts, 不是examples, 不是irrelevant contents, 更不属于解释,那么它应该属于支持内容与文章主旨联系。答案在lecture的最后教授所提到的Potatoes soon spread to France and other Northern European countries. And as a result, the nutrition of the general population improved tremendously and population soared in the early 1800 and so the shift of power from southern to northern Europe continued.)

16 According to the professor, what is one of the reasons why potatoes became popular in Ireland?

A Potatoes were more nourishing than native Irish food crops.

B Potatoes grew better at higher altitudes than native Irish crops.

C Political leaders in Ireland encouraged the cultivation of potatoes.

D People in Ireland were not aware that potatoes are members of the nightshade family.

(又是一个例外,应该属于支持内容与文章主旨联系。而且这里完全可以出成双选题Well, why do you suppose it happen? Because 1 potatoes have the ability to provide abundant and extremely nutritious food crop, no other crop grew in North Europe at the time had anything like the number of vitamins contained in potatoes. 2 Plus, potatoes grow on the single acre of land could feed many more people than say, wheat grow on the same land. 一个问题两个原因,构成并列关系即构成双选题。)

17. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.

What can be inferred about the professor when she says this:

A She expects the student to provide an answer to her question.

B She is surprised by the student's question.

C She thinks that she knows what the student was going to ask.

D She expects other students in the class to express their opinions.




例16,一问一答,有提问有回答的地方。问题一定要听清楚,问题通常是下面那段话的Topic Sentence, 同时需要注意的是回答的内容很容易出成一道题,若回答中存在并列关系可能会有多选题。

我们做一个简单的小结,以前听的时候我们过分关注了有解释有例子的地方,其实听力中的细节点应该包括以下几点:topic sentence explanation(专有名词) examples student/professor question the answers conclusions以及insertion(语气不一样的地方)。




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