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托福独立口语考前冲刺真题训练 Sports will make kids aggressive in their future

2018年05月02日16:57 来源:小站整理
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托福独立口语考前冲刺真题训练  Sports will make kids aggressive in their future图1

Do you agree or disagree? Sports will make kids aggressive in their future.

Some parents firmly believe that participation in sports encourages kids to be more aggressive and has a negative effect on their development, while I believe that sports makes kids less aggressive and helps them develop stronger characters. Sports participation can improve a child’s cognitive, emotional and behavioral well-being every bit as much as his or her physical fitness. Using sports to control aggression is more effective than verbal therapy, because while verbal therapy encourages children to control their behavior, research indicates that it does not reduce negative emotions. The introduction of sport, however, can reduce aggressive behavior by quelling negative emotions. A strong connection with any activity gives children a sense of purpose and decreases the likelihood that they will act out their behavioral problems.


every bit as:常用短语,表示完全一样 verbal therapy:语言疗法,类似心理咨询 quelling:压制,抑制 act out:把……付诸行动

I disagree with this statement. Sports build confidence, develop focus, and teach kids about emotional control. First, sports teach children how to get along with others, even those you don't like. For example, team sports bring together kids from various religious and cultural backgrounds, which is bound to provide a valuable learning experience. They also encourage friendship and empathy for others. Second, kids benefit from friendly competition. Little athletes learn to respect and honor their fellow teammates and rivals by noticing the strengths that each individual player has, and they will learn to appreciate and respect each others' talents. A friendly competition fostered by respect pushes everyone to be the best he can be.

I disagree with this statement. Sports, whether team-based or individual, provide kids with a variety of benefits instead of making them aggressive in the future. First, participation in sports can boost a child’s self-esteem. Children learn to be confident on the field. Seeing their hard work pay off has a positive impact on their self-esteem. When kids achieve their goals on the field it teaches them they can achieve any other goal they set later in life. Second, but most importantly, regular physical activity improves a child’s fitness and helps them to stay in shape. Children often spend too much time watching television or playing video games. Sports can help promote long-term weight loss and help avoid weight gain. Rather than reminiscing about how you never wasted so much time in-front of the TV as a child, ensure your kids are enthused and excited by sport, and all the health benefits will immediately follow.



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