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托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:what do you do for good health

2020年07月21日13:54 来源:小站整理
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托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:what do you do for good health图1


What do you do for good health?

People do many different things to stay healthy. What do you do for good health? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


保持身体健康的最直接方式就是“锻炼”(take exercise; have physical training)。锻炼身体的方式很多,慢跑(jogging),爬楼(climbing stairs),爬山(climbing),健身房(gymnasium; gym; fitness centre)器械锻炼(body building),健美操(aerobics dancing[exercises]),篮球、足球、羽毛球(badminton)、网球(tennis)等等都可以写。就算你平时根本不锻炼也要选择一个,说明为什么那种方式能给你带来好处以及带来了什么样的好处。 。

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Scientists have discovered that one of the main methods of prolonging a person's life is to keep healthy. There are many different methods to keep in good shape, and one must choose those that are most appropriate for their own lifestyle. Personally, in order to keep healthy, I eat well, exercise, and get lots of rest.

Eating well is an excellent way to keep healthy. If one is constantly drinking pop or eating fried foods, they will not be able to keep a healthy weight. One must eat lots of vegetables and fruit, and stay away from all foods that are high in cholesterol. In order to maintain a low level of cholesterol in my diet, I tend to eat more fish rather than heavier meats. Fish is much healthier than red meat, and I find it much tastier as well.

Exercising is also very important to leading a healthy lifestyle. One should exercise for at least half an hour, three to four times a week. Exercise can include anything from going to the gym to "work out", to going on a long walk around the city. If I am particularly busy, I will walk up the Stairs to my apartment rather than taking the elevator. This provides me with the minimum amount of exercise necessary to stay fit.

The third thing I do to keep healthy is sleep well and often. I typically sleep for approximately eight and a half hours every night. Sleep is very important, as your body uses this rest time to heal itself. If one tries to live for long periods of time without sleep, they will quickly become haggard and disheveled. Sleep is absolutely necessary for a healthy life.

In conclusion, I find that eating well, exercising and sleeping often is the best way for me to keep healthy. If a person can change their lifestyle and incorporate these three ideas, they will be much better off for it. A person who leads a healthy lifestyle will be less likely to get sick, and they will live longer.

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