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2015年10月08日15:02 来源:小站整理
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Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Rather than help children with schoolwork, parents should let children work independently. 相比于帮助小孩做作业,家长应该让小孩独立完成,是否同意?


Completing school’s assignments on time is actually not a small and unimportant matter. With the increasing social competition, children have to acquire more knowledge and set up positive habits in their thinking and behavior systems. Doing school works independently could better educated students to develop beneficial habits in action and reflection, as well as help them to learn from trails.

It is often said that the habits determines destiny. And encouraging children do assignments independently could help them unconsciously develop benign behavior habits. Students would learn how to make plan to schedule school affairs and insist on implementing them. Students would also learn how to tell important things and pressing things from a mess. Other positive behavior habits such as facing failure positively or others could also be learned from completing school works on time, which seems too small but actually have great significance. Creating such habits will then have long-lasting influence on one’s whole life since later social works or research works all require the ability of making plan, carrying plans out and so on.

Additionally, finishing school’s work on time independently facilitates students to develop good thinking skills. In thinking ways to solve a problem, a student could finally find out a way that is most suitable to analyze certain kind of problem or issues. Should it be analyzed in a top-down approaching or be studied in a bottom-up methodology? Or is it better to simplify those problems by abstraction or to first pick up the important details. Only students who do their works independently can have a thorough understanding of the various applications of various methods. Acquiring those creative or instinctive thinking skills would make one wiser and thus those will surely benefits he or she a lot in one’s future life.


At last, it is important for students to learn from their own errors and trails. “Failure is the mother of success”. Students can get lessons from the mistakes or failures and become more experienced. If parents help too much in student’s assignments, obviously, there are fewer or even no detours for students since parents have already used their own experience to pave the way for them. But students could not really understand the thinking process in solving a problem. From different trails, however, students can know why other ways don’t get it and have a more profound understanding of the correct way.

In conclusion, in the way of educating students, it is significant to encourage them to complete task and learn by themselves. For only through that way, can students be really aware of the knowledge and methodology learned in school and can they develop good habits.



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