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新托福写作真题:Qualities of a good supervisor解析+范文

2017年08月25日18:20 来源:小站整理
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新托福写作真题:Qualities of a good supervisor解析+范文图1


Topic:Qualities of a good supervisor

What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.






Though everyone will work in different places such as a company, acollege or university, a factory and so on, I think there are the same standards judging a good supervisor in several aspects.(作者认为尽管在不同的环境,但是衡量一个好的领导者的方面应该都是一样的)

Firstly, a good supervisor treats his/her staff fairly. He knows how to balance the workload. He will not let some members of his staff do many things while others only do a few things. If he gives you a task, he will tell you in advance. Moreover, he will not ask you complete a project in a few days that actually needs half a month to do. A poor supervisor never considers his employee's feelings. A poor supervisor is usually not a good planer, so he is very nervous when a project comes to its deadline, and he will use his fault to punish his staff. A supervisor like this would certainly not benefit the company.(这段在说一个好的管理者能够对员工公平对待,正确衡量工作量。反之,一个不合格的上级就不能很好地计划事情,还会因为自己完不成任务而惩罚员工。)

新托福写作真题:Qualities of a good supervisor解析+范文图2

Secondly, a good supervisor praises or criticizes in a straightforward way. If you do very well, he will praise you, and encourage you to do better. If you have made a mistake, he will criticize you face to face, and he will not complain to your co-workers. He will also analyze how to improve your work and point out the ways to do thing right. Furthermore, he will encourage you and trust that you will do well next time.(本段在讲好的上级能够直接地表扬你和提出你的不足,这里也是讲的好的管理者所应具备的方面)

Thirdly, a good supervisor cares for his staff. He is aware of your feelings and emotions. When you are sick, he will send you flowers or visit you, or he will arrange other members of staff to see you if he is busy. He treats his staff like family members. He is gentle and cheerful. Smile often appears on his face when he greets you. On the contrary, a poor supervisor often pretends to be serious. He never understands what his subordinates are thinking. His staff will never have a good mood when he is present at work.(好的上级会关心自己的下属,所谓下属得到关心和照顾才会更投入工作)

Finally, a good supervisor must set a good example to his staff. He must work hard, and has a strong sense of responsibility about his company. He must understand the operation of the company, and can do every staff's job in his department when necessary. That way he will win respect from his stuff and his spirit can motivate them.(最后一点,好的管理者应该做一个典范)

In short, a good supervisor treats his workers fairly, cares for their feelings, treat them as family members, and set a good example for them.


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