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托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:do you travel alone or with a companion

2020年04月09日13:34 来源:小站整理
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托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:do you travel alone or with a companion图1


Do you travel alone or with a companion?

Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


这道题目没有明确的立场,选择任意一边都是可以完全展开话题的。小编推荐大家可以先分别列举一下两种方式的优缺点(relative merits),比如独自旅行可以说自由度比较高,想去哪里玩就去哪里玩,而组团旅游的话安全系数更高一些,去一些相对危险的地方也更放心等等。然后大家再用比较套路化的具体选择要视情况而定来进行收尾。当然大家也可以只选择一边来进行单方面的论述,总之这道题目的发挥自由度还是比较高的。

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:do you travel alone or with a companion图2


The biggest inconveniences of traveling are high expenses and safety concerns. Traveling with a companion may solve both of these problems and at the same time adds to the enjoyment of the trip. Part of the joy of traveling is the sense of discovery felt when seeing a completely new place. Traveling with someone else compounds that sense of wonder. When you see or experience something new you can share it with your travel companion. Likewise, when you are traveling with someone else you get the benefit of another pair of eyes and ears, and you are more likely to notice interesting things when you are not traveling alone. When I was hiking in Yunnan province with a friend, she spied a frog sitting by the edge of the trail. Had my friend not been there, I would not have seen it, and missed part of the natural beauty of Yunnan. Traveling companions not only enrich the experience of travel, but also make it safer. According to police statistics thieves, rapists, and murderers are all much more likely to target a single person walking alone than to target a group of two or more people. To save money, a person traveling alone might sleep in a dorm room. Apart from the noise and inconvenience of sharing a room with a large number of strangers, travelers also have to be constantly vigilant to prevent other people from stealing your belongings. When traveling with a companion you can take turns watching each other's valuables on trains, restaurants, parks, and other public places frequented by tourists. Finally, traveling with a companion is also cheaper than traveling alone. A hotel room for one person might cost 100 yuan, while a room for two at the same hotel might cost 120 yuan. If you have a companion you can each spend 60 yuan per night, rather than both spending 100 yuan if you traveled separately. It is also cheaper to eat in restaurants and you get to sample more kinds of food when two people order. When bargaining for souvenirs, each person can save a little money if you offer to buy more than one. Traveling with a companion can easily cut your travel expenses in half, while doubling the fun of trip.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:do you travel alone or with a companion图3



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