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新托福综合写作:解决黑雀麦问题 解析+范文

2017年09月26日13:40 来源:小站整理
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大家在平时练习的时候肯定对于一些真题的练习比较多,那么你所练习的托福写作真题有没有范文作为参考呢?这里小编为大家整理了托福写作真题:解决黑雀麦问题 解析+范文,大家可以拿这些真题来练习,然后以对着解析和范文,找到自己的写作不足之外。下面就跟小编一起来学习一下吧。


托福综合写作Topic 议题:option to solve Cheatgrass problem
Reading Listening
Thesis 总论点 The reading points out three methods to control Cheatgrass. Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage.
Sub-point 1 The first method is encouraging grazers such as cattle to eat Cheatgrass. Grazers prefer to eat native plants instead of Cheatgrass. This method will result in an unfortunate phenomenon that native plants might be damaged, especially those precious.
Sub-point2 The second method is using controlled fire to eliminate Cheatgrass. Fire cannot burn the whole Cheatgrass completely. Only the part above the soil surface will be destroyed by fire. Besides, the hardy seeds of Cheatgrass can germinate easily.
Sub-point 3 The third method is using fungi to restrict Cheatgrass. Cheatgrass and fungi have lived together for thousands of years in Europe and Asia. And some Cheatgrass has been resistant toward fungi. The fungi just work on injured Cheatgrass.

托福综合写作范文Sample answer:

The reading and listening discuss about options to solve Cheatgrass problem. The reading points out three methods to control Cheatgrass. Whereas, the professor totally refutes the three points presented in the passage.

Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading’s first method of encouraging grazers such as cattle to eat Cheatgrass. The professor claims that Grazers prefer to eat native plants instead of Cheatgrass. This method will result in an unfortunate phenomenon that native plants might be damaged, especially those precious.

Secondly, the professor contradicts reading’s second method of using controlled fire to eliminate Cheatgrass. The professor mentions that fire cannot burn the whole Cheatgrass completely, but only the part above the soil surface. The hardy seeds of Cheatgrass can germinate easily.

At last, the passage points out the third method of using fungi to restrict Cheatgrass. However, the professor explains that Cheatgrass and fungi have lived together for thousands of years in Europe and Asia. And some Cheatgrass has been resistant toward fungi. The fungi just work on injured Cheatgrass.

以是就是小编为大家整理的托福写作真题:解决黑雀麦问题 解析+范文,大家如果把这些题目都练习了一遍,并参照范文,相信你们的托福写作提分指日可待。最后,小站教育编辑预祝大家托福考试能取得理想的成绩。



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