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来源: 2014年10月25日 分类: Task 5

"P: 讲女生喜欢的课她没选到,因为截止日期是上周五,她很想选。但是没办法。
1. 男生说,那下学期能不能选?女的说,下学期是有类似的课,但是课程内容没有现在的吸引他
2. 然后女的说,可以叫extra fee 75刀再注册,然后男的说如果实在喜欢就注册吧。"


The speaker has met a problem that she needs to choose a biology class but she carelessly missed the deadline. There are two solutions for her. First of all, she can select similar class in the coming semester, but that course is less attractive to her. Secondly, she can spend 75 dollars to register the class again, but it is expensive. Personally, I agree with the man that if the girl indeed likes the class, she should spend the 75 dollars, which is worthwhile.   (84 words)