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来源: 2013年05月31日 分类: Task 5

Sally要做presentation却把handout落家了,家在校外很远, S1: 男生开车送她,虽然麻烦却也可吃午饭 S2:不发handout直接讲,但是她都准备了,而且有之会让听众更容易跟着她


The speaker has met a problem that she is to make a presentation, but she has carelessly left her handout at home, and she lives far from the campus. There are two solutions for her. Firstly, the man can drive her home. Although it is work, they still have time for lunch. The second solution is to do the presentation without the handout. She doesn't want to waste her efforts to the handout and it’ll be easier for the audience to follow her up with the handouts. I think the first solution is better, since she cares so much about whether her efforts will pay off. (106 words)