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来源: 2014年02月08日 分类: Task 5

建议给premedical school的第一年学生,让他们在第一年去社区医院或者小诊所做volunteer work。原因有两个:1) 可以让他们更早的积攒经验和熟悉医疗的procedure 2)premedical学生第四年本来也要求做实习,这样他们第四年可以不那么紧张。 然后两个人针对这个讨论,Sam是这个学院的学生,他认为:写这篇文章的人一定是第一年的学生,因为他不了解premedical school的structure,因为这是preclinical离clinical还很远,他们主要学一些基础临床医学知识,为medical school学习做准备,那些社区医院的医疗procedure经验和他们的学习不相关,第四年他们要忙着申请medical school,所以不相关。


There is a proposal that the first year students in the premedical school should do volunteer work in the community or small clinics. On one hand, they can accumulate experience and be familiar with the medical procedures and on the other hand, it’ll be less intensive in the fourth year when they are taking internship. The speaker disagrees with the proposal. There are two reasons. Firstly, he thinks who proposes this must be a first year student who has little knowledge of the structure in the premedical school. And also preclinical experience gained from community hospital is far from clinical. Moreover, they are busy applying for medical school on the fourth year, and the experience is nothing related. (118 words)