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来源: 2013年11月22日 分类: Task 5

Problem: The man was supposed to go to the seaside with friends, but Mary asked him to go help her to move out according to a short notice because she has to move out by tomorrow. Solutions: Solution 1: Find someone to replace him. But it might not work at this last minute. Solution 2: Cancel his appointment with his friends. But he has been planning to go for long, and later the weather will turn cold, and they can't go to the beach any more.


In the conversation, the man faced with a problem that Mary asked him to help her move out of the apartment but he was expected to go to the seaside with his friends that day. There are two solutions for him to choose. The first one is to find someone to help Mary move, but it may be difficult to find another one at the last minute. The second one is to help Mary instead of going to the seaside. I think he should find someone to replace him and go to the seaside as planned. Since they have scheduled the trip for a long time and the weather is most suitable at the present, he shouldn’t cancel it and disappoint other friends. But he also should try to help Mary to find someone to replace him. (137 words)