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2018年04月24日11:54 来源:小站整理
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1. Cosmos 宇宙

Cosmology 宇宙学

Cosmologist 宇宙学家

例句:Philosopher and physicist Stephen Hawking is probably the world's most famous cosmologist.哲学家和物理学家史蒂芬霍金也许是全球著名的宇宙学家之一。

2. Asteroid n.小行星 adj.星状的

Asteroid belt 小行星带

例句:Many asteroids have been placed in groups and families based on their orbital characteristics. 人们根据轨道特征对许多小行星进行分类。

3. Axis n.轴;轴心国(纳粹德国、意大利王国和日本帝国)

英文释义:an imaginary line that passes through Earth’s center and its North and South Poles;the center around which something rotates

例句:The Earth rotates on an axis between the north and south poles.地球绕着南北两极之间的地轴自转。

4. Big Bang n.宇宙大爆炸(一种关于宇宙起源的学说)

英文释义:theory that an explosion created the universe many billions of years ago



5. Black hole n. 黑洞(宇宙中包括光线在内的一切事物都会被吸入的区域)

英文释义:an area in outer space into which everything near it, including light, is pulled.


6. Comet n.彗星

英文释义:an object in outer space that develops along, bright tail when it passes near the sun


Halley’s comet 哈雷彗星

7. Constellation n. 星座

英文释义:a group of stars that forms a particular pattern and has a name.

A star in the constellation of Orion猎户座的一颗恒星

Zodiac 黄道带,指太阳、月亮及行星所行经区域构成的假想带


Chinese Zodiac生肖

8. Dark matter n. 暗物质

英文释义:a type of matter that scientists think may exist that does not give off electromagnetic radiation but is quite abundant in the universe


9. Ellipse n.椭圆

英文释义:an elongated circle, or oval shape;shape of planetary orbits

例句:If this is an ellipse around the Earth,then this would be perigee and this would be apogee.


Elliptical machine椭圆机

10. Equinox n.春分,秋分,昼夜平分点

英文释义:one of the two times in a year when night and day are of equal length

例句:Why was the rising Sun due east one day after the equinox?


The spring equinox春分

11. Galaxy n.银河;星系

英文释义:a collection of stars, star systems,dust, and gas bound together by gravity

the Milky Way 银河


例句:There are three main types of galaxy: spiral,elliptical, and irregular


12. Light year n. 光年(约为94605亿千米)

英文释义:the distance that light travels in one year; about 9.46 trillion kilometers

13. Meteor 流星

英文释义:any of the small solid galactic bodies that enter the earth's atmosphere

Astronomers track large meteors using radar天文学家使用雷达跟踪大型流星

Luminous meteors极光

14. Nebula n.星云

英文释义:clouds of gas or dust in the universe that are made visible by the light of neighboring stars

例句:Light takes as long as 1500 years to reach Earth from the distant Horsehead Nebula 光需要1500年从马头星云传播到地球

15. Gravity n.重力;

英文释义:the force of attraction between all masses in the universe

例句:Because of the moon's smaller mass, its gravity is only one sixth of that on Earth.由于月球的质量较小,其重力仅为地球的六分之一


16. Orbit n./v.轨道;绕…作轨道运行

英文释义:the path of an object as it revolves around another object in space

例句:The satellite orbits the Earth every 48 hours. 这颗人造卫星每48小时绕地球运行一周

17. Rotation n.自转;旋转

英文释义:the spinning motion of a planet on its axis

例句:The Earth's rotation takes 24 hours. 地球自转需要24小时

18. solar eclipse 日蚀

英文释义:when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth

lunareclipse 月蚀

英文释义:when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon and casts a shadow on the Moon

19. Solstice n.至;至点

来自于古拉丁语“point at which the sun seems to stand still”字面意思即太阳停止的地方。

英文释义:the time that Earth’s poles point at their greatest angle toward or away from the Sun

Summer solstice 夏至

Winter solstice冬至

20. Tide n.海潮;潮汐

英文释义:the periodic rise and fall of the sea level under the gravitational pull of the Moon

Time and tide wait for no man.“岁月不待人”

Turn the tide 扭转局势;力挽狂澜



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