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2018年04月10日10:23 来源:小站整理
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be down and out:疲惫不堪,一蹶不振

EX: After about ten years of no business at all, they are practically down and out.

EX: I don't think you realize that I am down and out.

double date:两对伴侣的约会

EX: Sometimes it's more fun to go on a double date.

go off the deep end:鲁莽行事,感情用事

EX: He surely went off the deep end when he bought that restaurant.

go the whole hog:全力以赴

EX: When Bob became interested in model airplanes, he went the whole hog.

jump out of the frying pan into fire:每况愈下(from bad to worse)

EX: You're jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. By trying to straighten out with Mr.Bagnell, you're getting your self in trouble with Mrs. Bagnell.

jump down one's throat:横加指责

EX: I don't mind being corrected when I am wrong, but you don't need to jump down my throat.

lick into shape:塑造,训练整顿

EX: Two years in the army will lick him into shape.

EX: The inspection was announced at two o'clock, and they had the place licked into shape.

look down one's nose at:嗤之以鼻,瞧不起

EX:The man is a snob. He looks down his nose at most people

EX:He looks down his nose at the offer. (meaning he doesn't care about the offer.)

make heavy weather:发觉某事有困难

EX:Though the investment is at present making heavy weather, the future is regarded withconfidence.

make head or tail of: 弄清楚,懂得

EX:Can you understand this letter? I've read it through twice and I juse can't make head of tail of it.

Stand to reason 清楚而且合乎逻辑

Ex:It stands to reason that too many shopping choices can be as bad as too few.

Ex:If you drink too much coffee a day, it stands to reason that your health will suffer.

kick around 私下讨论一下

Ex: We haven't decided where to go on vacation. I think we'd better kick it around for a while.

put two and two together 找出解决之道

Ex: At first, he couldn't understand the directions for assembling the bookcase, but later on he was able to put two ond two together.




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