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托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:support the arts or protect the environment

2020年04月16日13:25 来源:小站整理
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托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:support the arts or protect the environment图1


Support the arts or protect the environment?

A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


两个方向都可以充分展开,没有优劣,考生可以根据自己的喜好来选择,选择哪一个都可以。只要列举出两三个sound reasons能够逻辑自洽就可以了。并且大家要注意在作文中提及另外一个选择的好处,以显示“考虑周全”。需要考虑的至少有两点:企业花钱,当然要考虑input-output ratio。投入哪一个活动中,公众效应更加明显?社会作为受体,哪一个活动将对社会有更多的实际好处?这些都可以成为大家展开的点。

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:support the arts or protect the environment图2


Nowadays companies contribute money to many worthy causes. In fact many cultural events only become possible through corporate sponsorship and financial support. The choice between supporting the arts and protecting the environment is not an easy one. However, the company should give money to protect the environment because a healthy environment is necessary in order to produce and enjoy the arts and also because every company has an obligation to secure the environment which it pollutes either directly or indirectly.

A healthy environment has served as inspiration to artists over the centuries and millennia. On all continents creative people have drawn from the positive effects of natural beauty to produce landmark pieces of art, and painters, writers, and musicians alike talk about the stimulating effects that nature has on their work. Furthermore, nature is the focal point of many works of art, for example, landscape painting. Therefore, a healthy environment becomes a prerequisite for art. Protecting the environment will also ensure that people will be able to enjoy the arts in the future. After all, environmental pollution causes and contributes to many diseases and illnesses. Naturally, sick people are not very concerned with high culture but are more worried about getting healthy or staying alive. Thus, money spend on environmental protection will make it possible for people to continue to enjoy art because they will live healthier lives.

Lastly, every company contributes in some way to environmental degradation. Even the companies that don't cause pollution by means of manufacturing or production still ship products or use great amounts of electricity in their line of work. Since air pollution is a serious problem, much of which is caused by industrial transport, and because electricity is a scarce commodity, the production of which also causes environmental damage, businesses should invest in this area. Not only will the company fulfill its ethical obligation but it will benefit from the investment.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:support the arts or protect the environment图3



托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:support the arts or protect the environment图4



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