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2018年03月12日18:39 来源:小站教育作者:小站教研中心
参与(8) 阅读(11076)




Do you agree or disagree: people would meet many problems in their daily life and they would solve them by themselves or from the help of their families; the help from the government is not necessary.

Sample Answer

All of us are cultivated to be as independent as we could in our education or daily life. It is essentially vital for us to solve all problems trivial or great we encounter. But here comes the question, can we on earth address all issues we face in our whole life alone? Or can we resolve severe ones completely just with support from family under no matter what situation that we do not need any aids from the government? I am prone to a negative answer. It is the government that will equip us with more possibilities to settle significant difficulties.

As security is the basic part of people’s life, people cannot ensure this without government’s management. Only the police can make sure the safety for us in daily life and protect us from harm by law-breakers. Also the laws can lead criminals to prison and stop them doing the damage. For example, when people’s telephones are stolen by thieves, they could not get it back without police’s investigation and actions. Or even in worse situations like kidnap or murder, there is no way for one person or a family to solve criminal cases privately and peacefully without police. What’s more, it is the military that can defend people and the country against war. Hence, without government, there is no possibility that we can live in safety and peace.

Another widespread issue is the environment pollution. Nowadays, it comes to be the global problem. With serious pollution, abusive resources, less protection, the environment we live in is becoming increasingly weak and vulnerable, and it is impossible that we can change it easily without help from the government. First, if we are willing to ease the environmental pollution in our community. The most important thing is to improve the transportation in our city. Only with more convenient and effective transportation system, can people shift private cars to communal ways like subway and bus, which will dramatically decrease the detrimental gas exhaust. All of the changes and tasks have to be organized and leaded by the government. Moreover, as for the global warming problem, it is not something what we can do alone and make a big difference without the leadership of the government. It is a responsibility for small families and for everyone, even it is an international level business.

It can be universally agreed that that there are amounts of small things we can handle alone or as a family. To solve problems independently without troubling others is a virtue, and we should be proud of it. We can make money to pay for food, apartment and entertainments for daily life, we can come up with solutions when we fail, upset and get hurt. But we cannot ignore that these are all on the basis of the protection of our government.

When it comes to the major ones, there is no question that we need to rely on our government. Without its help, addressing security concerns and solving environmental problems are simply not achievable.

(504 words)



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