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更新时间:2017-04-18 10:07          

摘要: u 与往年不同,自2016年起,独立口语出新题的概率大大增加。新题与旧题各占50%左右,且比例相当稳定。每场考试基本以“一新一旧”形式出题。新题难度明显加大。 u 独立口语S1一定只与历年考试的S1重复。同理,S2也只与历年的S2重复,绝不会与任何一道S1重复。希望考生能区别不同题型的答题要点和答题方法,对阵下药。 例:2016年9月25日的独立口语S2,重复20151219CN的S2 u 就重复规律而言,重复前一年北美地区考题的概率最高,因此2015年北美考题为复习的重中之重。其次,2013、2014年大陆的题目命中率也相当高。 u 值得注意的是,“同一道题考过两次就再不会考“这种说法其实大错特错。相反,重复考过2次以上的题目往往最容易再次出现。 2016年的所有旧题,大部分都重复考过2次甚至3次以上,几乎没有与14、15年新题重复的情况。 u 建议考生着重复习2015年北美、2013&2014年大陆的口语题。

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托福综合写作 Integrated Writing 共40题

第1题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Biology 属性:小范围核心预测

【题目】讨论关于birds anting这一习性的三种解释。
【阅读】Demonstrate three theories to explain why birds have the habit. 1. Birds use anting to irrigate skin during feather change in summer. 2. The acid released during anting by ants can help resist parasites growing on birds. 3. Anting is a way for birds to feed on those ants.
【听力】Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage. 1. It is just a coincidence between the time of feather change and bird anting. 2. Anting cannot reduce the growth of parasites on some birds. 3. Birds will have other things to rub themselves, but they do not tend to eat those things.

第2题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Social Problem 属性:小范围核心预测

【题目】讨论健康计划Wellness Programs(即公司推出奖励计划给达到healthy-related goal的员工) 是否对员工有益。
【阅读】Wellness Programs in United States bring lots of benefits to companies and employees. 1. The programs can become a motivational tool for people to lose weight and quit smoking, bringing much healthier lifestyle. 2. Employees will be more inclined to take exercises and have wholesome diets through the motivation of the Wellness Programs. 3. Although the program might cost companies a great deal of money at beginning, it saves more compared to the spending for employees’ sickness.
【听力】The program does not work. 1. The program may be an effective way to motivate employees in short term, but it cannot keep for a long period. Research shows that after several years, people are back to their bad habits. 2. The program is not fair for every employee, because cases differ. Some who have to take care of their family or cope with chores do not have enough time to exercise, while others are genetically fat. 3. Companies might suffer great financial loss in long term, because many employees will not stay in one company forever.

第3题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Biology 属性:小范围核心预测

【阅读】Demonstrate three theories to explain why the number of yellow-legged mountain frogs declined 40 years ago. 1. A kind of fish, the trout, was introduced to this area and the trout ate tadpoles of the frogs. 2. The use of pesticides contaminated the habitat. 3. The frogs there were infected by a fungal disease.
【听力】Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage. 1. The trout was introduced 100 years ago, however the decline happened 40 years ago. The time does not match. 2. Rainfall tends to wash the pesticides to lower and farther places. However, frogs lived in areas with higher altitude than that of farms using pesticides. 3. Yellow-legged mountain frogs can produce some antibodies within their bodies, so that they can resist to the infection of fungal disease.  

第4题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Historical Event 属性:小范围核心预测

【题目】Mary Rose号沉没的原因。
【阅读】There are three reasons to explain why Mary Rose sank. 1. The gunspot was not closed after getting fire, but they forgot to close it. Water poured in to gunspot. 2. Sailors dislike the captain and do not follow his lead. 3. French made significant damage to the ship.
【听力】Refute the three reasons mentioned in reading passage. 1. According to a research, there were still some connonballs in the gunspot, which proved that it cannot be opened. 2. Mary rose is flag ship. Sailors are all capable, so they will not fail to follow the captain’s lead under such dangerous situation. 3. Frenchmen told a lie in order to show that they were powerful than English.

第5题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Historical Event 属性:小范围核心预测

【题目】Pearl Poet是谁的三个假说
【阅读】There are 3 possible hypotheses. 1. John Massey might be possible, because he lived in northwestern England, where the poems came out, and the handwritings of John Massey and Pearl Poet are the same. 2. It might be Hugh, because he wrote poems about Garwin and those 4 famous handwritten poems are also related to Garwin. What’s more, the poems all adopt the rhetorical method of alliteration. 3. The 4 poems might not be written by one person because the poems referred different areas in England.
【听力】None of the 3 hypotheses is reasonable. 1. There was same copier in 14th century. That is why the handwritings are the same. 2. It cannot be Hugh because the dialect used in the poems of Pearl Poet and Hugh is totally different. 3. The poems cannot be made by several persons, because the wording of the 4 poems is very similar, which is impossible for different authors.
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