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托福独立口语基础段真题训练 Some people say that using cleaner energy……

2018年05月08日18:11 来源:小站整理
参与(3) 阅读(4056)
摘要:Some people say that using cleaner energy such as wind power should be customary even if it costs more. Others prefer traditional and cheaper energy sources such as coal and oil. Which one do you prefer?这篇托福独立口语真题难度中等,适合基础阶段口语水平一般的考生拿来做练习。


托福独立口语基础段真题训练 Some people say that using cleaner energy……图1

Some people say that using cleaner energy such as wind power should be customary even if it costs more. Others prefer traditional and cheaper energy sources such as coal and oil. Which one do you prefer?


I think clean energy is an infinitely superior power source because it will improve the lives of generations down the road.

Traditional coal and oil generation is responsible for the emission of a host of chemicals with widespread environmental impacts. The same compounds that are detrimental to human health have similar consequences for the natural environment. So, using clean, renewable energy is one of the most important actions you can take to reduce your impact on the environment. More widespread use of clean energy reduces harmful smog and protects our water and air from being saturated with toxic chemicals. The harmful impacts of coal mining and gas extraction will also be eliminated.

Moreover, renewable energy provides reliable power supplies and fuel diversification. In the long run, this will improve energy security, lower the risk of fuel spills, and reduce the need for imported fuels. Renewable energy also helps conserve the nation’s natural resources.

As a result, although the cost of clean, renewable energy is high, it is justified.



1. Outline

可再生能源更好 R1: better for the environment 对环境更好 R2: more sustainable energy and more secure 可持续能源并且更加安全

2. Vocabulary

down the road 将来,今后 a host of 很多 很大 widespread 普遍的,广泛的;分布广的 detrimental 不利的;有害的 renewable 可再生的;可更新的;可继续的 smog 雾霾 extraction 取出;抽出 diversification 多样化 energy security 能源安全



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