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Jenny Lu:托福阅读之句子推断





  1) 在托福的考试中,句子推断题应该也属于比较难得一种类型,它主要考察学生对于阅读材料的理解。我们经常会看到题干中问出现infer, imply, suggest。那这个就是句子推断题的一种典型的出题方式。

  2) 推断题的做题方法:




  1, Spores light enough to float on the breezes were carried thousands of miles from more ancient lands and deposited at random across the bare mountain flanks. A few of these spores found a toehold on the dark, forbidding rocks and grew and began to work their transformation upon the land. Lichens were probably the first successful flora. These are not single individual plants; each one is a symbiotic combination of an alga and a fungus. The algae capture the Sun's energy by photosynthesis and store it in organic molecules. The fungi absorb moisture and mineral salts from the rocks, passing these on in waste products that nourish algae. It is significant that the earliest living things that built communities on these islands are examples of symbiosis, a phenomenon that depends upon the close cooperation of two or more forms of life and a principle that is very important in island communities.【TPO-9 (3) 2#】

  It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that the fungi in lichens benefit from their symbiotic relationship with algae in what way?

  A. The algae help the fungi meet some of their energy needs.

  B. The algae protect the fungi from the Sun's radiation.

  C. The algae provide the fungi with greater space for absorbing water.

  D. The fungi produce less waste in the presence of algae.

  首先我们来看到题干,问的是fungi in lichens 在和algae的共生关系中能获得什么好处,所以这个问题的重点是什么?是algae 的好处吧,那我们就去原文中找,我们会发现在原文中只说到了algae的一个好处。所以选A。

  2 Just as painted designs on Greek pots may seem today to be purely decorative, whereas in fact they were carefully and precisely worked out so that at the time, their meaning was clear, so it is with Chinese pots. To twentieth-century eyes, Chinese pottery may appear merely decorative, yet to the Chinese the form of each object and its adornment had meaning and significance. The dragon represented the emperor, and the phoenix, the empress; the pomegranate indicated fertility, and a pair of fish, happiness; mandarin ducks stood for wedded bliss; the pine tree, peach, and crane are emblems of long life; and fish leaping from waves indicated success in the civil service examinations. Only when European decorative themes were introduced did these meanings become obscured or even lost. 【TPO-10 (1) 11#】

  Paragraph 5 suggests which of the following about the decorations on Chinese pottery?

  A. They had more importance for aristocrats than for ordinary citizens.

  B. Their significance may have remained clear had the Chinese not come under foreign influence.

  C. They contain some of the same images that appear on Greek pots

  D. Their significance is now as clear to twentieth century observers as it was to the early Chinese.


  3, So, in another set of experiments, Kramer put identical food boxes around the cage, with food in only one of the boxes. The boxes were stationary, and the one containing food was always at the same point of the compass. However, its position with respect to the surroundings could be changed by revolving either the inner cage containing the birds or the outer walls, which served as the background. As long as the birds could see the Sun, no matter how their surroundings were altered, they went directly to the correct food box. Whether the box appeared in front of the right wall or the left wall, they showed no signs of confusion. On overcast days, however, the birds were disoriented and had trouble locating their food box. 【TPO-11 (2) 7#】

  Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about Kramer s reason for filling one food box and leaving the rest empty?

  A. He believed the birds would eat food from only one box.

  B. He wanted to see whether the Sun alone controlled the birds' ability to navigate toward the box with food.

  C. He thought that if all the boxes contained food, this would distract the birds from following their migratory route.

  D. He needed to test whether the birds preferred having the food at any particular point of the compass.


