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来源: 2013年11月22日 分类: Task 4

Reading: 一个概念:latent demand---现在不存在,但可以被商家identify出来,从而有针对性的生产商品来满足潜在客户的需求。一旦有产品了,会很成功,因为这时候没有竞争对手。 Listening: 在最开始的时候,人们在家里用large stereo来听音乐,后来出现了小点的stereo,人们就把便携式的stereo带到户外听音乐。有商家sense到了这个latent demand,想如果大家可以在public场合听音乐,但是不是这种out loud的,而是可以privately地听,别人听不到的那种,那不是很好吗?于是他们制造了很小的stereo,而且有耳机,所以别人听不到,只有自己听到。果然产品一出来就热卖,商家赚翻,因为还没有竞争对手。


Latent demand means producers create a new product to satisfy potential customers. Once the product is created, it will win great success because of no competitors. In the lecture, the professor uses an example to explain the concept. From the first beginning, people used to listen to music with large stereos at home. As time passed by, small-sized stereos came into people’s sights. They could carry them to the outside. After that, a company realized that the easy-to-carry stereo is a good-selling product, which can be latent demand. So they created a mini stereo with earphones. Consumers could use it to listen to music without influencing other people. Apparently, the product won a complete success after its first appearance. The company earned a lot from the products because they had got no competition. (133 words)