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来源: 2013年09月28日 分类: Task 4

Reading: biological mimicry is when scientists get inspired by observing the living habits of animals and plants, and then apply them to human life. Lecture: the professor is talking about a broad and flat plant called lily pad which usually floats above water while the root of it stays underwater, scientists invented solar lily pads based on this plant, and it’s a kind of solar device with a broad and plat panel floating on the surface of water with the generator underwater. It can absorb energy from the sun the create electricity.


Biological mimicry describes a biological phenomenon that when scientists get inspired by observing the living habits of animals and plants, they will find way to apply these observations to human life. The professor gave an example of a broad and flat plant called lily pad. Lily pad usually floats above water while the root of it stays underwater. Scientists invented solar lily pads based on this plant, and it’s a kind of solar device with a broad and plat panel floating on the surface of water with the generator underwater. It can absorb energy from the sun the create electricity. (100 words)