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来源: 2013年08月10日 分类: Task 4

Reading: memory amentia means the sources of the memory are forgotten. Listening: 教授用自己的经验做例子,说他去看他姐姐,看到蝴蝶,就说他想起了小时候,和姐姐Hiking的时候,累死了的想放弃的时候看到了漂亮的蝴蝶,然后就想继续前行;然后他姐laughed at him,因为他搞混了,这个情景出现在他们儿时共同看得电视节目里面。


Memory amentia describes a psychological phenomenon when the sources of the memory are forgotten. The professors talks about an example of his own experience. One day, when he went to see his sister, he found some butterflies, which reminded of his childhood when he had been hiking with his sister. He said he had been exhausted and would be more likely to give up at the moment. Suddenly, he saw the beautiful butterflies and decided to move on. But his sister laughed at him, because he had mistaken the situation. What the professor described was the childhood memory of a TV program they had once watched together. (107 words)