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来源: 2013年05月31日 分类: Task 6

两种方法防护beach erosion 1. 造建筑barrier,用混凝土等材料 build construct in shallow water or near shore, 这种construct 减轻 force of the wave, decrease amount of water that reach the beach,降低被浪卷走的沙的数量浪就小了 2. 二是用新的沙子代替冲走的,比如建个泵把海里沙子抽上来,这样以后就会更多冲走新的,旧的就留下来了


There are two measures to protect the beach from erosion. The first is to construct barriers. People will build construct with cement in shallow water or near shore. The construct is effective in reducing the force of the wave, and therefore decreases the amount of water that reaches the beach. Therefore, there is little possibility that the sand on the beach is washed away into sea. The second is to regularly replace the sand. For example, people will set up a pump near the shore, aiming to pump up the sand in the sea. Therefore, only the sand pumped up from the sea will be washed away into sea, while the original sand on the beach remains. (117 words)