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来源: 2009年11月14日 分类: Task 6

【讲课要点】:动物欺骗捕食者predator以保护自己defence的两种方法behaviour:举了一个动物(蛇),说是这个动物用2种方法:、第一种、威胁fool。说是做出它们要反击的动作(bite),其实它们不是真的要bite。 第二种、装死以misleading捕食者。翻白眼,张嘴巴,让捕食者以为它们死了。题:用要点例子,讲解动物欺骗捕食者的两种方法。


In order to defense themselves, animals have ways to cheat their predators. The professor introduces two behaviours. The first is to pretend threating. Take a kind of snake for example. When confronting predator, they will behave like attacking, pretending to bite. In fact, the snake doesn’t really want to bite. But by this behaviour, the predator will be threatened. The second way is to pretend being dead. For example, some animals will simulate fake death to mislead the predator, by opening up the mouth, and hiding pupils. ( 87 words)