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来源: 2009年11月01日 分类: Task 6

Reading: dormancy的概念就是在天气恶劣的动物采取措施降低能耗,保存生命。 Listening: 举例lungfish,说他们在dry season把自己bury在mud里面,湿润又远离热气。同时还说dormancy的时候这些鱼stay inactive, slow its breath, heart beats and the energy use.所以可以几个月不吃东西也能survive,直到雨季来临。


The reading material is talking about dormancy, which refers to a period when the physical activities of animals are temporarily stopped or reduced to a minimum to reduce the energy consumption in extreme weather conditions. The professor in the lecture describes animal dormancy using the example of lungfish. When the dry season comes and the whole river evaporates, the lungfish can bury themselves in the mud holes on the river bed, which keep them wet and away from extreme heat. Also, the lungfish can plunge themselves into a state of dormancy and stay inactive in the holes for a long period of time, slowing their breath and heart rate and reducing their energy consumption to a minimum. In this way, they can survive without eating anything for several months until the next rain season. (134 words)