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托福独立口语真题冲刺 解决朋友分歧的有效方式

2018年06月22日16:05 来源:小站整理
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摘要:一篇好的托福独立口语回答需要做到有理有据,逻辑严明,其实考官并不真正在意你的观点,但你如何支持你的观点则显得尤为关键。我们来看一篇难度较高、更适合冲刺阶段童鞋进行备考练习的托福独立口语真题分享:What is the most effective way to resolve a disagreement between friends? Explain your answer.解决朋友间分歧最有效的方法是什么?

我们每个人都是独立的个体,有自己独特的想法和生活方式,但又会因为兴趣、工作等原因与他人发生联系产生友谊。朋友相处的过程中难免发生分歧与不和,那么要如何保证友谊的小船能够继续乘风破浪顺利航行呢?我们来看一篇难度较高、更适合冲刺阶段童鞋进行备考练习的托福独立口语真题分享:What is the most effective way to resolve a disagreement between friends? Explain your answer.解决朋友间分歧最有效的方法是什么?

托福独立口语真题冲刺 解决朋友分歧的有效方式图1

Many superficial friendships end up being shelved after an argument because there isn’t enough depth to warrant all the trouble it takes to smooth over the disagreement. Unfortunately, even when the friendship reaches a deeper level, conflict continues to happen and can break apart a relationship. How can this be avoided?

First and foremost, when you have a falling out with a good friend, try to gain an understanding of each other’s perspective. To help understand why a disagreement started, it may be beneficial to ask questions about each other’s point of view. It is important to make sure that when you are listening to the other person’s perspective, you are actually listening and not adding your opinion. You will have the opportunity to tell your side in due time.

Also, it is important to avoid adding unnecessary drama. These things never help fix a problem and ultimately bring more hurt to all involved. Things like yelling, name calling, threatening to cut off the friendship, and personal attacks should be avoided at all costs. If it comes to that, walk away, breathe, step back and allow some time before you try again.

Last but not the least, agree to disagree. Resolving a conflict should not be seen as a contest to see who won or who was right or wrong. Even after taking steps to resolve a conflict, you still might not be able to agree. If you want to keep the relationship, it is okay to agree to disagree on an issue.



being shelved:被搁置起来

enough depth to warrant all the trouble it takes to smooth over the disagreement:这里指友谊的深度不足以平稳的度过这次分歧

falling out:争吵

each other’s perspective:从别人的观点,这是口语和写作里面经常用到的短语




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