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Reading: 关于kinesthetic learning用body language,让学生physically involved in。 Listening: 老师当年教小学教学生读表,开始自己拿个纸糊的大表教娃娃,孩子们不理他,老师觉得没面子,换了个欢乐的方式,让学生上台,一个扮演表面,一个扮演表针,然后问时间让学生说,这么给力的方式让学生很振奋。 问题是结合例子讲k teaching的好处。
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Reading: Oversimplified error. People tend to oversimplify the cause of an event. Listening: The professor ran into his friend at a party. They talked about how people today live much longer lives comparing to 100 years ago. His friend said that people live longer because of the advancements in modern medical practice. But the professor pointed out there are other reasons being ignored here. Such as better safety regulations, and people are paying more attention to healthy diets.
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Reading: 动物有固定的patterns of behavior。 Listening: 1、一种小鱼:male fish会do attack dance to the finish entering its territory 而且是有red mark的,如果没有red mark就不会2、goose:female鹅生过蛋后会move its head back and forth,但是当它的egg被moved away 以后,它仍然这样。问题是:讲一讲什么是动物的这种惯性行为(文中用了缩写,好像是AFS 还是FAS记不清了),然后讲讲lecture中间的例子如何证明的。
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restricted codes,就是same group的人可以用很少的话语就可以让彼此意会。第一方面是share same pro knowledge的人用这个。举了医生例子,医生间用很少的的话就可以解释,但是医生和病人间需要更多细节才能明白。第二个没听见走神了。例子是出去picnic食物被goat吃了,以后大家提起简单地提起goat, picnic就笑,很快就明白意思。
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Reading: The teacher-expectancy effect refers to the tendency of students to perform to the level of their teachers' expectations. Listening: The professor used to teach a sixth grader Robber, who is quiet and sloppy dressed The professor left Robber in the slower-paced math group, and Robber never volunteered in class, did not do his homework and just passed the test; however, when the professor moved him to the advanced group, Robber was more energized by the fast pace, started to do his homework and ended as one of the best students in class.
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先看一个关于circadian rhythm的介绍。有两个要点。一个是每人都会有自己的alert time 和tired time。 第二个要点就是这个rhythm随着时间推移可能会改变。那个lecture里面教授就举了2个例子。首先说在大学的时候他习惯晚上学习,因为那个时候他精神好,效率高,睡的比别人都晚。早上就会特别困,起不来,所以他从来不选早上的课。第二个例子说他做了年纪大了做了教授发现,早上效率比较高,晚上就各种累。所以现在他的习惯颠倒了。早上看看书,备课,晚上就早早睡觉了。
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fast following,一个全新的产品,第一家公司做广告之后,第二家公司过段时间follow,效益比第一家的好这种现象。让你解释这个定义。business class介绍了fast following这个concept,which means一些公司不愿意be the first to try new products,于是如果别的公司推出了innovative的new product,他们会快速效仿。例子是一video game company颠覆传统,用感应人的动作的movement sensor代替controller,市场反应很好。于是另外一家公司马上效仿这个做法,而且还improve了他们的graphic quality,所以市场上人们都灰常like it and buy it。
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Reading: Definition: Facial feedback, we believe that our emotion causes our facial expression. But it is not true. It is our facial expression determines how we feel. Listening: The professor gives an example of an experiment. He gives out the same math problem to two groups of students. Everything is the same except one. He asks students in Group A to smile in the experiment, and asks students in Group B to present frown and other unhappy faces in the experiment. As a result, students in group A say they enjoy the math, while students in group B say they are tortured.
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niche construction 森林中某种蚂蚁只栖息在一种树上,在那里筑巢,吃那种树的树叶,有其他树或者植物在附近生长的话,蚂蚁就会去放毒,这样就只有它赖以生存的树可以很好生长,获得更多资源,进而枝繁叶茂,蚂蚁的领地也不断壮大
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Reading: Animals group have two kinds: closed (don\'t accept others) and permeable (welcoming the others). Permeable group is better because new members bring new knowledge. Listening: chimpanzee is a good example, they leave home since they grow up, join into a new group. And all are friendly easy to live. Bring new knowledge, different chimpanzee live in different place before. One chimpanzee perhaps use sticks to get eggs from nest. Others watching him while he is doing this, and they learn that too.
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【课文要点】:advancing crediting:是如何让小孩能够表现的好。小孩对praise的不同反映,你要是事先表扬他们,再让他们做什么,他们就不太听话。你要是等做完事情后在表扬他们呢,他们就能够表现的好。 【教授举例】:教授讲一组个实验:第一次,把小朋友放一个房间里,给他们糖吃,大部分小孩子们都把糖纸扔地上DROP ON THE GROUND,后来老师教导他们说要爱干净,要保持环境NEAT,很舒服。还表扬那些表现好(behaviour proper),保持环境的小朋友,说他们是干净的小孩。过了一段时间,再做这个试验,大部分小朋友就都把糖纸仍在垃圾桶里。我记得是不管小孩扔不扔糖纸在地上,老师都表扬,结果是再没有小孩扔糖纸到地上了。
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Animals will send signals to other animals in more than one way Example: the professor starts with an example of the deer wandering off into the distant while grazing. Suddenly the deer sees a predator such as a lion. The deer would raise its tail to warn others of danger. Therefore, the deer that sees the lion will stomp the ground to alert other deer and allow all the deer to escape.
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外包一部分工作给其他公司做,这样小business就可以focus自己的专业producer service,外包。通常可以选择所有过程都自己做,或者选择把自己不熟悉的部分外包给别人做,这两种做法。一个教授说,他的朋友开餐馆,一开始都是自己做,包括accounting部分,后来发现在accounting上花了太多时间,还容易有错,就外包给accounting公司,这样他就能专注于自己喜欢和擅长的工作了。
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Reading: biological mimicry is when scientists get inspired by observing the living habits of animals and plants, and then apply them to human life. Lecture: the professor is talking about a broad and flat plant called lily pad which usually floats above water while the root of it stays underwater, scientists invented solar lily pads based on this plant, and it’s a kind of solar device with a broad and plat panel floating on the surface of water with the generator underwater. It can absorb energy from the sun the create electricity.
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Reading: Negative Externality,个人的行为可能会让不相干的人感到不爽 Listening: 教授小时候家附近有片漂亮农田,风景好,周围居民都很enjoy,但是农田主人想退休,于是把地卖给一家公司,公司建厂,厂房破坏美丽景致,工厂烟雾造成污染,周围居民尽管没有参与这个土地转让的协议,但他们利益受到损害,却无计可施
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Reading: memory amentia means the sources of the memory are forgotten. Listening: 教授用自己的经验做例子,说他去看他姐姐,看到蝴蝶,就说他想起了小时候,和姐姐Hiking的时候,累死了的想放弃的时候看到了漂亮的蝴蝶,然后就想继续前行;然后他姐laughed at him,因为他搞混了,这个情景出现在他们儿时共同看得电视节目里面。
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Reading: 一个概念:latent demand---现在不存在,但可以被商家identify出来,从而有针对性的生产商品来满足潜在客户的需求。一旦有产品了,会很成功,因为这时候没有竞争对手。 Listening: 在最开始的时候,人们在家里用large stereo来听音乐,后来出现了小点的stereo,人们就把便携式的stereo带到户外听音乐。有商家sense到了这个latent demand,想如果大家可以在public场合听音乐,但是不是这种out loud的,而是可以privately地听,别人听不到的那种,那不是很好吗?于是他们制造了很小的stereo,而且有耳机,所以别人听不到,只有自己听到。果然产品一出来就热卖,商家赚翻,因为还没有竞争对手。
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Reading: priority effect--animal species, when first settling on certain territory, makes the territory less habitable for later species. This is esp. prevailing for small and weak species. Listening: for example, there is a type of small ants that net on ankasha trees. As the first group of settlers onto the tree, they destroy part of tree’s nectars and render it unable to produce nectars anymore. This is because another type of bigger ants, which feed on this nectar and are more aggressive than smaller ants, will no longer come to this tree for occupation. Through this small ants survive.
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