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女生说她的film study class明天要看最后一个film但是她有一个doctor appointment so she could not make it to the lecture but she really want to write her final paper on the last film because it interests her the most. 于是男生建议她去rent the film 但是女生说but she would miss the discussion on the second half of the class that her professor is very good at pointing out the techniques used, etc. 然后男生说那你可以写之前看的那些film啊 然后女生说但是这一部是最让我感兴趣的啊 i don’t know what to do
分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: 学校发通知(announcement),因为健身馆(gym)的人数减少,决定对gym作出两项调整。 调整1 增加一些新的设施(equipment),比如自行车(bicycle) 调整2 延长gym在晚上的开馆时间 Listening: 有一个男生对新的调整很欢迎 1. 他以前经常去,后来不去gym了,原因是因为很多人排队等锻炼的设施,等待的时间太长,不值得去(not worth going),现在增加设施就好多了。 2. 还有很多学生白天都忙着上课(having classes)和做家庭作业(homework),他们只有晚上完成作业才能去gym,现在延长晚上的时间很好。
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

话说一个男生碰到了一个问题,他很喜欢的历史课从下午被挪到了晚上上,他喜欢这个课,因为课上会讲很多他感兴趣的tradition和technology。遗憾的是他是校篮球队(basketball team)的队员, 他打篮球很好,但是篮球是在晚上打的,有冲突,如果你来选,你怎么选 1. 放弃课程(drop the class) 2. 退出篮球队 (BTW, quit the team 会让其他组员失望disappointed)
分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

讨论沙漠(desert)中的植物如何在强风中生存(survive); 表面长满刺,减少对风的阻力,或者快速生长,防止风吹沙子把自己埋住。 举了两个例子,1. 叫cacua的植物,会长出很多hair,这些hair能够帮助它们牢牢的抓住地面(grip the ground), 并且保持湿润。2 叫heion的植物,它可以快速生长,防止自己被埋在沙子里面
分类:Task 6重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading part:There always a week\'s Orientation for freshman of university. One person suggest: go camping, in order to know each other better. Listening part: 1. Orientation\'s aim is to know more about school\'s facility, buildings services like computer lab. But camping have nothing to do with this. 2. Camping’s equipment is very expensive, it\'s a waste to use it for a month and put it in store for a year
分类:Education重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: Animals group have two kinds: closed (don\'t accept others) and permeable (welcoming the others). Permeable group is better because new members bring new knowledge. Listening: chimpanzee is a good example, they leave home since they grow up, join into a new group. And all are friendly easy to live. Bring new knowledge, different chimpanzee live in different place before. One chimpanzee perhaps use sticks to get eggs from nest. Others watching him while he is doing this, and they learn that too.
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Employees used to work at the company, while a new method of working is to work at home and communicate by telephone. Two advantage: 1. The company saved the expense of office and other facilities. Example of the reader\'s sister, 25 percent employee work at home saved half a million dollars. 2. The fee of training employees is expensive. When an employee moved away. If allow them to work at home, it\'s a good method to keep them work for the company and save the time and fees of hiring new ones. Example of her sister too. Her sister\'s 
分类:Task 6重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

【学校通知】:学校计划将不再免费提供打印材料,并限定每个学生每个月只能打印100张。理由1、学生们浪费纸张太多。理由2、打印机经常卡纸。 【学生议论】:女生反对此计划。理由1、不是学生想浪费纸,而是有太多的材料要用,而且有时候不知道什么材料会用到,什么不会用到。理由2、打印机经常卡纸是因为打印机太旧了。如果换新的打印机,就不会老卡纸了。问题:转述女生对公开信里的计划的态度和她持该态度的两个理由。
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

【课文要点】:advancing crediting:是如何让小孩能够表现的好。小孩对praise的不同反映,你要是事先表扬他们,再让他们做什么,他们就不太听话。你要是等做完事情后在表扬他们呢,他们就能够表现的好。 【教授举例】:教授讲一组个实验:第一次,把小朋友放一个房间里,给他们糖吃,大部分小孩子们都把糖纸扔地上DROP ON THE GROUND,后来老师教导他们说要爱干净,要保持环境NEAT,很舒服。还表扬那些表现好(behaviour proper),保持环境的小朋友,说他们是干净的小孩。过了一段时间,再做这个试验,大部分小朋友就都把糖纸仍在垃圾桶里。我记得是不管小孩扔不扔糖纸在地上,老师都表扬,结果是再没有小孩扔糖纸到地上了。
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

【学生困难】:女生在图书馆看书,忽然想起要赶去教室做她的presentation,路程是10分钟,时间很紧了。男生告诉他下大雨了。没带伞。 【解决方案】:有两个解决方案:男生说出方案1、男生借给女生雨伞,但是雨伞在不远的另一个地方,去取的话要几分钟,然后女生会迟到。女生自己说出方案2、冒雨跑去教室不会迟到,但全身湿淋淋,书和笔记本也全湿掉。描述女生遇到的难题,男生给的两个建议,你的建议,为什么。 
分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

【讲课要点】:动物欺骗捕食者predator以保护自己defence的两种方法behaviour:举了一个动物(蛇),说是这个动物用2种方法:、第一种、威胁fool。说是做出它们要反击的动作(bite),其实它们不是真的要bite。 第二种、装死以misleading捕食者。翻白眼,张嘴巴,让捕食者以为它们死了。题:用要点例子,讲解动物欺骗捕食者的两种方法。
分类:Task 6重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Animals will send signals to other animals in more than one way Example: the professor starts with an example of the deer wandering off into the distant while grazing. Suddenly the deer sees a predator such as a lion. The deer would raise its tail to warn others of danger. Therefore, the deer that sees the lion will stomp the ground to alert other deer and allow all the deer to escape.
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

P: the man wants to drop public speaking class due to the large number of people in class. Solution 1: switch to evening class, there’s only half the number of students compared to the morning class, but evenings are for relaxing and he uses the evening to do homework and watch movies Solution 2: take public speaking class during the summer, there’s no need to worry about it right now, but he’s already taking two other classes in the summer and summer classes are usually short and intensive, so he would be really busy if he took three classes.
分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

2 ways that advertisers sell products 1. Publicity, newspaper and magazines. A product can be showcased here because it costs less. It’s much cheaper than making a commercial. For example, a new game is showcased on a technology magazine. There’s no need to pay more to gain more customers in this way. 2. Creditability; another reason is that newspaper and magazines have creditability. People tend to trust them more and this is a great way to sell
分类:Task 6重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

建议给premedical school的第一年学生,让他们在第一年去社区医院或者小诊所做volunteer work。原因有两个:1) 可以让他们更早的积攒经验和熟悉医疗的procedure 2)premedical学生第四年本来也要求做实习,这样他们第四年可以不那么紧张。 然后两个人针对这个讨论,Sam是这个学院的学生,他认为:写这篇文章的人一定是第一年的学生,因为他不了解premedical school的structure,因为这是preclinical离clinical还很远,他们主要学一些基础临床医学知识,为medical school学习做准备,那些社区医院的医疗procedure经验和他们的学习不相关,第四年他们要忙着申请medical school,所以不相关。
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

外包一部分工作给其他公司做,这样小business就可以focus自己的专业producer service,外包。通常可以选择所有过程都自己做,或者选择把自己不熟悉的部分外包给别人做,这两种做法。一个教授说,他的朋友开餐馆,一开始都是自己做,包括accounting部分,后来发现在accounting上花了太多时间,还容易有错,就外包给accounting公司,这样他就能专注于自己喜欢和擅长的工作了。
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

建议给premedical school的第一年学生,让他们在第一年去社区医院或者小诊所做volunteer work。原因有两个:1) 可以让他们更早的积攒经验和熟悉医疗的procedure 2)premedical学生第四年本来也要求做实习,这样他们第四年可以不那么紧张。 然后两个人针对这个讨论,Sam是这个学院的学生,他认为:写这篇文章的人一定是第一年的学生,因为他不了解premedical school的structure,因为这是preclinical离clinical还很远,他们主要学一些基础临床医学知识,为medical school学习做准备,那些社区医院的医疗procedure经验和他们的学习不相关,第四年他们要忙着申请medical school,所以不相关。
分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Announcement: the enrolment in the summer school has declined Measure 1: shorten the summer school time from 6 weeks to 4, and this allows students to go on a vacation or go home after the class Measure 2: lower the accommodation fee Listening: agree R1: He went to a summer school last year but ended up having only one week left before the next semester began, and he felt like he didn't get any rest at all. R2: Reducing the accommodation fee will allow students who want to go to summer school but are concerned about money to get a chance for enrolment.
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: biological mimicry is when scientists get inspired by observing the living habits of animals and plants, and then apply them to human life. Lecture: the professor is talking about a broad and flat plant called lily pad which usually floats above water while the root of it stays underwater, scientists invented solar lily pads based on this plant, and it’s a kind of solar device with a broad and plat panel floating on the surface of water with the generator underwater. It can absorb energy from the sun the create electricity.
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

2 kinds of explanations Attribution: when people believe other things are responsible for their mistakes, like excuses. For example, as a teacher, he always hear excuses like my alarm clock didn't work, to explain that they didn't want to be late. Justification: when people know they’re responsible for their mistakes, but there’s a justified reason behind. For example, if someone ditches the class to go to a job interview thinking the interview is more important than the class, this kind of explanation is called justification.
分类:Task 6重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析