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Lecture: 讲infant跟哪种care givers关系好 一种学说,对于infant来说,谁给吃的,跟谁关系好,但是事实并不是这样。教授做了个实验.两个一样的monkey infants。给每一个monkey两care givers:一个是给infant特别舒服的环境,如有软软的毯子的。一个就是不给infant盖的东西。两个infant分别是两种不同的care giver给吃的东西。然后infant有种行为是喜欢谁就向着谁爬,结果发现,不管是哪种care giver给infant吃的东西,infant都爬向那个给舒服环境、给毯子盖的giver. 问题是总结教授的讲座。
分类:Task 6重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: 学生写了一封信提议学校Improve library,集中两个方面,一个是增加可以查书的电脑;另一个是add faculties Listening: 男生表示很支持。 第一很多学生在图书馆发邮件做research, 要排队才能用上电脑look up books. 第二 这些faculties都是学生可以增加工作机会。
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

restricted codes,就是same group的人可以用很少的话语就可以让彼此意会。第一方面是share same pro knowledge的人用这个。举了医生例子,医生间用很少的的话就可以解释,但是医生和病人间需要更多细节才能明白。第二个没听见走神了。例子是出去picnic食物被goat吃了,以后大家提起简单地提起goat, picnic就笑,很快就明白意思。
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

restricted codes,就是same group的人可以用很少的话语就可以让彼此意会。第一方面是share same pro knowledge的人用这个。举了医生例子,医生间用很少的的话就可以解释,但是医生和病人间需要更多细节才能明白。第二个没听见走神了。例子是出去picnic食物被goat吃了,以后大家提起简单地提起goat, picnic就笑,很快就明白意思。
分类:Task 6重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: A student proposes to the school to let boarding students park their cars on campus. He suggests the school can build a new parking garage on the empty space near the gym. He thinks having a car on campus is useful to get to jobs and other activities in town. Listening: The girl does not agree with the proposal. Since the school already plan to build a new music building upon that empty space, the school has no space for boarding students to park their cars. In addition, students can use public transportation, such as bus, to go wherever they want.
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: The teacher-expectancy effect refers to the tendency of students to perform to the level of their teachers' expectations. Listening: The professor used to teach a sixth grader Robber, who is quiet and sloppy dressed The professor left Robber in the slower-paced math group, and Robber never volunteered in class, did not do his homework and just passed the test; however, when the professor moved him to the advanced group, Robber was more energized by the fast pace, started to do his homework and ended as one of the best students in class.
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Problem: The boy was waiting for Greg at the student center to return the sociology book he borrowed for tomorrow's test. But Greg was in the library and forgot it. Since the boy got a doctor'w appointment and need to get off campus soon, he had to figure a way to return the book as Greg might need it for the test. Solutions: 1. The boy can come back campus after a couple hours and return the book, but before that Greg might already need it for review. 2. The girl he was talking to can help him return the book to Greg in the library, but this may let her walk all across campus back and forth.
分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

先看一个关于circadian rhythm的介绍。有两个要点。一个是每人都会有自己的alert time 和tired time。 第二个要点就是这个rhythm随着时间推移可能会改变。那个lecture里面教授就举了2个例子。首先说在大学的时候他习惯晚上学习,因为那个时候他精神好,效率高,睡的比别人都晚。早上就会特别困,起不来,所以他从来不选早上的课。第二个例子说他做了年纪大了做了教授发现,早上效率比较高,晚上就各种累。所以现在他的习惯颠倒了。早上看看书,备课,晚上就早早睡觉了。
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

教授讲了risk of price discounting。 第一这样会导致大家停止购买正常价格的商品。举了一个家具公司的例子,他们在12月有个非常大的促销,几乎所有的商品都打折。过了几年,公司发现顾客在一年其他时间不买他们的商品,就等12月打折时候买。另外一个risk是大家会认为打折商品质量就比较差。举了汽车公司的例子。为了促销新款汽车,打折了。然后顾客就会怀疑是不是因为零件有问题,质量差才打折
分类:Task 6重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

阅读材料是学校通知下学期将开设interview skill workshop,会请外面的职业人士来学校模拟interview,帮学生更好的准备以后找工作。 对话里两个人都很喜欢这个program 1,附近的其他学校都没有开设这个program,所以他们会变得competitive; 2,除了能教你skill,meeting and chatting with这些不同行业的人能够build up connections。
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

fast following,一个全新的产品,第一家公司做广告之后,第二家公司过段时间follow,效益比第一家的好这种现象。让你解释这个定义。business class介绍了fast following这个concept,which means一些公司不愿意be the first to try new products,于是如果别的公司推出了innovative的new product,他们会快速效仿。例子是一video game company颠覆传统,用感应人的动作的movement sensor代替controller,市场反应很好。于是另外一家公司马上效仿这个做法,而且还improve了他们的graphic quality,所以市场上人们都灰常like it and buy it。
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

一个男生跟一个女生谈话,说自己在家忘了学校这茬,匆匆忙忙来了学校发现东西忘在家了。提到concert了,还有paper要写。很混乱。女生说东西可以自己回家去取,或者让爸妈送过来。题目,这个男生该咋办,你的两个建议,同意哪一个。题目记不太清了,一定看清是你的建议还是文中提到的建议。是说男生回家把吉他落家里了 然后马上有个concert 但是下周学习太忙还要交论文 所以开车回去太浪费时间; 还有个选择就是用室友的 但是他已经习惯了用自己的 怕效果不好....
分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

另外一个是迁移动物的behavior的特点。提到两种鸟,一种鸟不迁移,一种鸟会迁移,中间不会受到诱惑二停下来。第二种拿鲨鱼做例子,不知道怎么解释的,但是结论是走直线。题目是用英文中的例子讲一下迁移行动的特点。关于migrating animal’s characteristics的,一是这些migrating animal由于要做长途迁徙to reach their destination,会更focus,不会被别的东西easily disturb到,相对来说,local birds一发现food就很兴奋; 二是migrating animal tend to move in straight line,例子是migrating shark会用geomagnetism来定位直线移动,而local animal就倾向于乱移动来找食物
分类:Task 6重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: University theater is planning to prohibit eating food in the stadium. Reason 1: eating is a distraction to other members in the show, and avoid eating increase the experience. Reason 2: students don't bring the waste out of the stadium- forget to dispose. Listening: The woman agrees with the notice. Reason 1: Noise. Someone eats popcorn and distracts her. Reason 2: Dirty. Someone leaves the popcorn box in the stadium.
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Reading: Definition: Facial feedback, we believe that our emotion causes our facial expression. But it is not true. It is our facial expression determines how we feel. Listening: The professor gives an example of an experiment. He gives out the same math problem to two groups of students. Everything is the same except one. He asks students in Group A to smile in the experiment, and asks students in Group B to present frown and other unhappy faces in the experiment. As a result, students in group A say they enjoy the math, while students in group B say they are tortured.
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Problem: The woman is planning to move out of campus and she has found an apartment to share with her original roommate, but the apartment is too expensive and she can't afford it. Solutions 1: Ask her roommate to find someone new to share the apartment with her. Con: Difficult to find a new partner for the roommate within such a limited period of time. Solution 2: Get a part-time job in a restaurant. Con: Time-consuming, she may not have enough time to study or socialize with her friends.
分类:Task 5重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

Proposal: the university gym should open up more free group classes like yoga and karate Listening: agree R1: she and her friend have been to group classes like this and there’re a lot more fun than doing sports alone R2: a lot of students can volunteer to teach, so the classes can be free, and they can ask teachers from city gym to volunteer as well
分类:Task 3重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析

niche construction 森林中某种蚂蚁只栖息在一种树上,在那里筑巢,吃那种树的树叶,有其他树或者植物在附近生长的话,蚂蚁就会去放毒,这样就只有它赖以生存的树可以很好生长,获得更多资源,进而枝繁叶茂,蚂蚁的领地也不断壮大
分类:Task 4重复次数:0次 查看答案和解析