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  Task1: Talk about a subject you enjoy learning in school. Explain your answer in details.
  The subject I enjoy learning the most in English. First, we do lots of fun activities in class. We are always having class discussions, forming groups to create short conversations and act them out. I rarely get bored in my English class because our teacher never fail to come up with new ideas that keep us interested and active. Second, English is the one subject that I'm really motivated to work hard ON. If I speak good English, one day I';; be able to go abroad to receive a better education, find a decent job and live a good life.
  Taks2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that children should do housework when they are old enough.
  I definitely think that children should d housework when they are old enough to do so. First, they should help out their parents when they can. If a child takes out the garbage and does the dishes, then his or her parents can take a break and relax for a bit. Second, children benefit from doing these tasks. They spend hours and hours sitting at their desks studying and doing homework assignment. Taking care of some housework give them a chance to move around and their mind off things. Some housework like gardening is actually quite fun to do. 
  Task3: Pay theater assistants/give then special training 
  Task4: Subject-expectancy effective: Fake vitamin for fatigue and tired workers for experiment. They work better with fake peals.
  Task5: Parents visiting. House in a mess. Skip class to clean or clean quickly after the meeting.
  Task6: Birds migration long distance: humming bird eating to store up energy/hawk saving energy by soaring-flying without flapping wings by thermals.
  以上就是小站教育整理的2014年6月21日托福口语机经的考生回忆版,并附上task1 & task2的范文,供同学们参考学习。预祝广大备战托福考试的同学们,都能在考试中取得更高的分数。小站教育也会持续为大家奉上最新的资讯。更多小站教育托福机经请参见小站机经。