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托福口语 备考经典话题整理(4)


31. Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why.

32. Some believe that TV, newspaper and radio have more influence on individuals than their relatives and friends, while others believe not. Which statement do you prefer? Please give your opinion with specific examples and details.

33. If you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do? What’s your reason for choosing this job? Please give your statement and include specific examples and details in your opinion.

34. Would you like to take a long vacation or several short vacations in a year? Explain why.

35. What do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?

36. Do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in groups?

37. Everyone has a goal to fulfill. What’s your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

38. Describe one of your challenging experiences. Explain why it is challenging and how you conquered this challenge. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

39. Some students would choose to study a subject because it brings plenty of job opportunities. Instead, others would choose to study a subject which really interests them, although it probably doesn’t sell well in the job market. Which opinion do you agree with? Explain why.

40. Which is your favorite type of movie: action, drama, or others? Please include specific details and examples in your explanation.

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