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托福口语 备考经典话题整理(1)


1. Describe a book that you believe is the most useful to you. Please explain the reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation.

2. Which of the following statements do your agree with? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. Some believe that TV programs have a positive influence on modern society. Others, however, think that the influence of TV programs is negative.

3. Describe the most important decision that you have made in your life. Why was it important to you? Use specific examples and details to support your explanation.

4. Some people believe that the high school should teach music and art as other basic science. Some people think that providing music and art education for high school students is not necessary. What is your opinion and why?

5. What do you do in your spare time? Please include specific details in your statement.

6. Some people think that it’s necessary to prohibit people from using phone calls in some places. Others believe that it’s inconvenient if phone calls are forbidden in some places. Which opinion do you prefer? Explain why. Your statement should include specific examples and details.

7. Describe a celebration or moment which has made a deep impression on you. Please explain the impression and include specific examples and details in you explanation.

8. Which of the following acts have more influence on you, newspaper, TV, or teachers? Explain the reason with specific details.

9. Describe a social or politics celebration event in your culture. Specific examples and details are necessary in your statement.

10. Whether the government should assist to build museum and theater? Give your opinion and include specific examples and details in your explanation.


托福热点 托福听力 托福阅读 托福写作 托福口语 高分经验
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托考趋势 实用技巧 必备技巧 万能搭配 时间把握 15天100
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