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1 主题思想原则(part C 预看选项,以听为主,抓住主题)

A 原词做答(针对首尾两题)

1)开头原词:本次主题, 现在干什么 

2)结尾原词:下次主题, 接着干什么 

B Jerry十大信号词 

Part C头题选项:the + 信号词 + of  sth

C 导语+首尾原则 

1) 开头句型: 

Let’s now focus on…… 

I’d like to begin today’s lecture by…… 

Today we’ll talk about/discuss/centre on…… 

Following our discussion last time, we will discuss…… 

2) 结尾句型: 

Next time we meet, we will discuss…… 

We will continue our discussion next time…… 

Finally, at last, all in all, in short, in a nut shell

2 顺序对应原则(针对细节题:时间,地点,人物)

3 重复原则(抓重复频率较高的词做答)

4 观点原则 

he + claim/ argue/ appointment/ maintain/ believe/ state +that…… 

in one’s opinion, from his point of view 

5 建议原则 

A 注意段落结尾处的建议 

B 常出现在段落结尾处的三种建议句型 

1) Jerry十大常规建议句型 

2) Just + 动原(祈使句表建议)

3) maybe, perhaps, probably引导委婉语气表建议 

C 建议句型的三种最新变化 

1) if从句虚拟语气表建议 

2) 同B 3) 

3) 同B 2)

6 比较原则 

as……as, similar to, different from, original, compare to, contract

7 因果原则 

A 段落头几句中提到的原因 

B 经常导出因果关系的结构 

Because, because of, as a result of, the reason is, consequently 

8 转折原则(Jerry十大转折词) 

but, however, while, to be honest, frankly 

9 强调原则 

A 语义强调(important, emphasis, especially, only) 

1) 解释性说明 

that is, that means, which means, that is to say, 

let’s put it this way, in other words 

2) 强调句型(老师套话)

just remember, once again, you should……, let me repeat, 

let me also point out, 

the first……is……, it is……that……, make sure to do, don’t forget 

3) ad. 最高级表强调(most)

4) 结论性强调 

In short, In conclusion, All in all, In a nut shell, Generally speaking, 

We may conclude that, the conclusion that 

B 语气强调 




C 举例强调(掌握例子所验证的理论)


Which means, that is to say, in other words 

10 数字原则 

A 时间(时间感觉):Jerry六组常考时间副词 

B 频率,次数,数字及其修饰的概念

11 人名原则 

A 职业

B 贡献 

12 自我原则(陈述某人的观点,必为考点)

As far as I am consume…… 

According to my understanding…… 

To my knowledge……

13 承接原则(平行结构)

firstly, secondly,……lastly

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