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托福独立写作 Independent Writing 共28题

第1题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Education 属性:小范围核心预测

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To make children do well in school, parents should limit the hours that children spend on watching TV or movies.
Two-way Brainstorming Should limit 1. Children can easily be misled by the inappropriate contents on TV because of their psychological immaturity. 2. Spending too much time on watching TV will absolutely account for children’s studying time. 3. Students who spend less time on watching TV will have more chances to stay with peers. Shouldn’t limit 1. Spending less time watching TV doesn’t mean that children would do well at school. 2. Limiting the hours that children spend on watching TV isn’t an effective way to improve their studying effects. 3. Some television programs can also be good educational tools.
Model Answer: Should limit In contemporary society, watching TV has become a popular leisure activity among school children. However, when asked about whether parents should limit the hours that children spend on it, people meet with a dilemma. According to my personal experiences, I hold the standpoint that watching too much TV or movies could have adverse influence on children. On top of the first, children can be easily misled by the inappropriate contents on TV because of their psychological immaturity. Firstly, children can have convenient access to the violent scenes in some “Super Hero” American movies. They have mo

第2题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Work 属性:小范围核心预测

Which is more important in one’s career life? The working knowledge and skills or the ability to adapt to new conditions.
Two-way Brainstorming The ability to adapt to new conditions 1. Quick adaptation to new environment is conducive to improving working efficiency. 2. Good adaptability contributes to one’s job satisfaction. 3. The vital importance of the ability to adapt to new environment is self-evidently. The working knowledge and skills 1. Working knowledge and skills contribute to the working efficiency. 2. Working knowledge and skill result in promotion at work. 3. They are concerned with one’s job satisfaction.
Model Answer: The ability to adapt The desire for a rapid promotion in one’s official career is universal. Along with this desire comes a heated debate: which one is more important for one’s occupational success? The working knowledge and skills or the ability to adapt to new conditions? Opinions are divided and personally speaking, the ability to adapt to new conditions is of greater importance than the working knowledge and skills. My reason and examples are given below. Firstly, quick adaptation to new environment is conducive to improving working efficiency. It is no exaggeration to say that very few people can stick to one job for all their lifes. That is to say, job-hopping is a thing that people have to do. With that, there is nothing bu

第3题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Work 属性:小范围核心预测

Do you agree with the following statement? An effective leader tries to make others feel they are part of the decision-making process.
Two-way Brainstorming Agree 1. First of all, an effective leader should be the one that lead his/her members to reach high level of satisfaction. 2. An effective leader should be the one that make wise decisions and enable the team to fabricate delicate prooducts. 3. Admittedly, when facing some emergent events, leaders have to have quick reaction and make decision without listening to others’ opinions. Disagree 1. An effective leader should have more control over the progress. 2. An effective leader should create a harmonious working environment. 3. Admittedly, making others feel like they are a part of making decisions do contribute to the team building to some extent.
What contribute to the success of those TOP 500 companies on the Forbes Board? Referring to this question, one factor is usually included in CEO’s answers-that is, a good leader. Then, what is a good leader? Is an effective leader the one that will make others feel like they are a part of making decision? My answer is: yes. First of all, an effective leader should be the one that lead his/her members to reach high level of satisfaction. A sense of achievement is needed to gain satisfaction according to Maslow’s theory. And, being a part of mak

第4题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Government 属性:小范围核心预测

During times of economic crisis, which area of spending do you think the government should reduce: education, healthcare or support for the unemployed?
Two-way Brainstorming education 1. Education can be sponsored by private corporations. 2. Education involves fewer civilians. 3. Educational institutions can raise tuition fees. Healthcare 1. Healthcare can be sponsored by private corporations. 2. Healthcare can be improved by the higher awareness of personal sanitation. 3. Healthcare organizations can raise medical fees. Support for the unemployed 1. The unemployed can be sponsored by private corporations 2. The unemployed involves fewer civilians 3. The unemployed should voluntarily raise their working skills.
Model Answer: Education As more and more financial crisis happen in different continents, many national leaders have established proper policies to make up the loss and stabilize the economy. Among three popular ways, the fewer budgets for education, healthcare, and the unemployed, I prefer the first one for three following reasons. First, education can be sponsored by private corporations. As we all know, most universities in different countries are supported by the government not only in teachers’ salary but also in research funds. However, because some top universities such as Columbia University and Harvard University are sponsored by private

第5题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Activity 属性:小范围核心预测

Which one of the following factors contributes most to an enjoyable vacation. Good food, Good location or good friends to travel with?
Three-way Brainstorming Good food 1. Food is the paramount necessity of human beings. 2. Bad food may bring illness and ruin the whole vacation. 3. Food can bring energy to a person. Good location 1. Tourists’ attractions become famous because of its beautiful scenery or recreational facilities. 2. You can indulge yourself into the attracting scenery and relax yourself. 3. From learning the culture and history of a place, one can gain more knowledge. Good friends with you 1. Travelling with our good friends will be an effective way to maintain our relationships with them. 2. All the beautiful scenery and delicious food in the world cannot overcome the displeasure of constant conflict between travelling companions. 3. Being with reliable companions can reduce the difficulties we meet during the vacation.
Model Answer: Disagree As a culture buff, I am keen on discovering cultural heritages of another city or country. Good travelling companions who share the common interests with me certainly contribute to the joyfulness of the trip. First of all, travelling with our good friends will be an effective way to maintain our relationships with them. For me, my friends and I all work hard in separate jobs and do not have much free time to get together. When we all go away together, it feels as if we have all the free time in the world, whether we want to go sightseeing, surfing or just sit and gossip all day. Staying with my friends can totally help me rela
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