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更新时间:2023-12-13 20:53          

摘要:<p>小站考前预测在手,托福何惧之有。托福何足惧,小站来相伴。本文为大家带来2023年12月16日场托福考前考前预测之综合写作小范围。托福综合写作的考试时间为29分钟</p><p>1. 取消独立写作,保留综合写作&lt;/p&gt;</p><p>2. 选取新题型,增加一篇&lt;/p&gt;</p><p>3. 写作作答时间从50min缩短为29min&lt;/p&gt;</p><p>23年12月16日场托福写作考前预测小范围核心版本内容全部出自小站2010-2023托福题库,均为历年真题。速下!</p> 

手机打开的二维码 扫一扫手机打开



<p>1、小站托福教研组首发,市面上暂无如此精细的学术写作机经预测。 从官方给的样题以及目前为止的考题,小站教研组发现,多数还是在重复之前独立 写作考过的话题逻辑。 结合各位老师多年托福写作教学经验,以及近 3 个月所教学生的喜人成绩(写作单 科可达 28+),在实战与理论的结合下,我们整理总结了以下关于学术讨论的机经。 2、如何使用这份机经预测? 新改革的学术写作,时间紧、任务重,10 分钟内不仅要保证语言表达的质量,还要 考虑思路拓展,最终导致不少同学在规定时间内不能写出来规定的字数。鉴于这种情 况,建议同学们根据自己的时间来针对性的使用该机经。 如果备考时间多的同学,建议根据机经题目,写出来每篇文章,练习思路拓展的同时 也练习了语言表达和写作速度,这样对于实际考试更有帮助;如果时间不太多的同学, 可以参考机经题目主要练习思路拓展,头脑风暴一下内部展开的思路和论证方法,如 果在思路拓展的过程中发现有些表达可能不太熟悉,建议查一下词典,也相当于是语 料的积累了。 最终,小站托福写作教研组希望通过不断的努力能够给同学们的写作备考提供更有益 的帮助,祝愿同学们早日出分,进入理想的学校</p>

<p><strong>1. </strong><strong>购物的时候寻求谁的建议,家人朋友,还是网上的建议呢? </strong></p>

<p>Your professor is teaching a class on marketing. Write a post responding to the professor&#39;s question.</p>

<p>In your response, you should do the following.</p>

<p>Express and support your opinion.</p>

<p>Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.</p>

<p>An effective response will contain at least 100 words.</p>

<p>Dr. Achebe</p>

<p>Let&#39;s continue talking about consumer behavior. We have been discussing different ways people go about</p>

<p>choosing what products to buy and there are many potential sources of information and advice for</p>

<p>consumers. In your opinion,which is the better strategy for making purchasing decisions, relying on</p>

<p>advice from friends and family, or depending on information from online sources? Why?</p>


<p><strong>2. </strong><strong>网红是积极影响更多还是消极影响多呢?</strong></p>

<p>This week, we discussed the importance of role models and opinion makers in society. One idea we</p>

<p>discussed was the widespread impact of &quot;influencers.&quot; Influencers are people who are very active posting</p>

<p>on social media and who have many followers. Influencers&#39; posts and opinions can influence their</p>

<p>followers&#39; choices on everything from fashion to politics. In your opinion, do social media influencers <strong>第 3 页 </strong></p>

<p>generally have a positive or negative effect on their followers? Why do you think so?</p>

托福综合写作 Integrated Writing 共3题

第1题 来源:北美 话题分类:Archaeology 属性:小范围核心预测

【题目】关于saber-toothed cat(剑齿猫)是否是群居动物。
【阅读】saber-toothed cat是群居动物。 1. Fossils of saber-toothed cats with broken bones indicate that they were fed by other saber-toothed cats when they were injured 2. There are large numbers of saber-toothed cats in the trap. The saber-toothed cats hunted together. The sound of dears in the trap attracted them to fall in the trap together 3. Saber-toothed cats lived with other predators such as lions and wolves. Saber-toothed cats have to live in group to compete with those predators.
【听力】剑齿猫不是群居动物。 1. The fossils of saber-toothed cats with broken bones indeed indicate that they could survive when they were injured. However it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to be fed by other saber-toothed cats. Many predators can find dead animals to eat. So did the saber-toothed cats 2. The large numbers of saber-toothed cats in the trap doesn’t mean that they hunt together. The saber-toothed cats hunt separately. One of the saber-toothed cats heard the sound of the trapped dear, went to the trap and fell. Then another saber-toothed cat also heard the sound of the trapped dear, came to the trap and fell again 3. Saber-toothed cats were large predators. Take tigers for example, one tiger is strong enough to fight against the social predators such as lions and wolves. So the saber-toothed cats don’t have to live together to compete with lions and wolves.

第2题 来源:其他 话题分类:Archaeology 属性:小范围核心预测

【阅读】一些考古学家认为公元前两千多年的forts 不能起到很好的防御作用 1. 不是所有的sides都有walls 所以很容易受到敌人攻击 2. multiple entranceways, enemies are easy to enter 3. no evidence of water and wells , 当被包围的时候很容易败
【听力】:这些都是误解 原因如下 1. 有些地方不用walls就可以起到防御的, 比如有悬崖峭壁cliff 2. 敌人发现Spot之前就block封锁掉 3. 可能是之前挖的井干了所以后人没看到不代表没有证据;不可能存在围攻的问题,因为敌人不会一直wait out的

第3题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Biology 属性:小范围核心预测

【阅读】starlings 椋鸟的一些危害。 1. 危害农作物,他们乱吃果实 2. 危害航空安全,乱闯跑道 3. 危及濒危物种,因为他们会霸占一些为濒危物种特制的安全笼子
【听力】并没有危害。 1. 他不仅吃果实,同时也吃害虫,省却了杀虫剂的费用 2. 可以制作一个大的笼子把鸟关在里面 3. 制定一些小入口的笼子让鸟进不去
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