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来源: 2014年02月08日 分类: Education

Some people think the extra-curriculum school work and activities shall be decided by students, while others do not think so. What do you think and why?


Fierce social competition has imposed extra concern to education. In consequence, a multiple of resources, such as money and facility, has been introduced into school, including extra-curriculum activities, which help students better adapt to the school environment. However, when most students are claiming that they shall hold the priority to decide what activities to be conducted on campus, I believe the school authority has a better say over the issue. To begin with, the school authority is more experienced to decide what activities may help student the most. Admittedly, students are fully aware of what they are exactly into and it improves their participation and respective effect. However, what students are interested in may not be the most proper activities. For example, most students are interested in video games. But to the school authority, after carefully valuing the merits and defects of the activity, is less likely to conduct such an activity within school. In other word, the board of directors, consisting of experienced teachers, has got a better judgement towards the most proper extra-curriculum activities on campus. Moreover, plan of school budget makes it impossible to conduct whatever activities students are fond of. Although schools, especially those government-funded ones, will receive funds from public and private channels every year, the total budget, as a whole, is limited. Therefore, the directors have to carefully allocate the scarce resource. For example, when making a decision between a science lab, which is firmly connected to study, and a playing ground, a requirement of physical exercises, the school authority is more likely to vote for the former. Furthermore, safety is a big concern of school authority. Besides the previous two elements I’ve discussed, safety plays an important role in the decision of proper extra-curriculum activities. For instance, I once met a friend who is obsessed with rock climbing. He listed more than a dozen advantages of this activity and insisted it be a great privilege if the school could start advocating this activity. However, it can hardly happen. As we know, if some students carelessly fall from the rock wall, and break one or two bones, the school should take all the responsibilities and no school will take the risk. To end up, for the consideration of the effect, financial devotion and safety problem concerning extra-curriculum activity, it is better to leave the decision open to the school authority.