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来源: 2013年04月12日 分类: Education

Some people think the extra-curriculum school work and activities shall be decided by students, while others do not think so. What do you think and why?


With the sheer passage of time, the pace of work becomes faster and faster, so it is common that the boss order the workers to do several different types of jobs in one workday. Unfortunately, some employees complain that they have too much work to do. But in my opinion, doing different types of tasks always means pleasance. The first point for my argument is that if workers are doing different types of tasks during their workday, they will reach self-satisfaction. That is, people will be proud of themselves if they are versatile. Thus, if this working strategy can let employees think that “oh, I am omnipotent!” Of course, they have more confidence when doing tasks, leading to better achievements. As a result, they finally gain self-gratification, one of important causes of happiness. Another point for my essay is that when workers are doing different types of tasks during their workday, they are more likely to earn more. As we all know, in current practical society, the employer prefer those who can do different things for he or she considers that “I pay two salaries but get three workers!” In this case, versatile employees have the chance to ask their boss for more money. Of course, everyone will happy if the income is high. The final point for my argument is that if workers are doing different types of tasks during their workday, they will not feel boring. As is known to all, human is born to be indifferent to what is familiar; that is to say, doing several types of tasks can keep workers’ zest and curiosity because this working policy offers them the opportunity to switch the mind and mood, which may even increase the working happiness. In a word, according to the three reasons I mentioned above, we can reach an objective conclusion that it is true that the happiness can result from doing different types of tasks.