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来源: 2009年02月28日 分类: Task 1

1. 一是在被追捕过程中有一种optical illusion 会让捕食他们的动物对于他们的距离远近产生错觉从而在不正确的时候进行leap从而无法抓到他们 
2. 其次是让敌人无法分清个体和一群
3. 还有便于自己藏匿在草丛中;
1. 其实在捕杀斑马的动物中 他们从不存在leap的阶段所以也就不存在optical illusion的作用;
2. 敌人对条纹还是纯色无区别,个体还是一群也没区别;
3. 第三就是斑马一般不会藏起来,而是暴露在开放的草原上。
题目让你说说lecturer的观点以及怎样反驳reading 的。


The lecture refutes the view mentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to further demonstrate the function of the stripes on zebra. 
Firstly, from the perspective of optical illusion, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, predators of zebra never leap to catch its prey and therefore, the effect of optical illusion seems meaningless in this part.
Moreover, judging from the illusion of the number and colour of zebra, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustrates that to the predators of zebra, there is no difference between a group of zebras and an individual as well as a zebra with lines all over and one in pure colour.
Last but not least, on the point of convenience in hiding, the professor never fails to express his concern, because in terms of the listening, zebra seldom hides itself in bushes. On the contrary, it intends to expose itself in the open of prairies. (162 words)