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来源: 2014年10月25日 分类: Task 3

"阅读:学校的history department 打算 每个月都来个monthly meeting 好让学生能沟通交流,让他们问问题,并能提高他们的community skill。 
1. 因为学校已经有网站给学生交流问问题了
2. 其次就是真相提供交流技能,应该去更relax的地点向咖啡厅,跟教授聊聊天之类的。"


The material is to make a proposal that the history department should hold monthly meetings so that students can get more information and it\'s also a good way to socialize. The speaker disagrees with the proposal. There are two reasons. First of all, if students want to get more information, they can go to the website of the history department, or go to their office and ask the staff for it. Moreover, the meeting will be too serious to be a social activity. He prefers more relaxing activities, like ones with drinks and stuff. Therefore, to socialize, students should visit the cafeterias and talk with professors. (106 words)