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来源: 2013年05月31日 分类: Task 3

S3 Reading: 有人提议说在study lounge做group study不好,因为相互打扰,建议把它改成for individual study,同时建议 group study在图书馆的会议室(conference room)进行。 Listening: 同意 R1: 她表示根本不愿意去那里,有一次为了赶paper在那里学习,吵得要死不能专心,要求同学安静,但周围人只安静一小会然后又继续吵吵 R2: 同时她赞同conference room for group study。因为有门,不会吵到别人,同时桌子很大椅子很多;然而lobby的桌椅很小,需要拉到一起拼起来


The student has proposed that the study lounge be reserved specifically for individual study, and all the group study be conducted in the conference room in the library. The speaker agrees with the proposal. There are two reasons. Firstly, she herself does not like the study lounge, because when she was there last time, catching up with her paper, it was quite noisy in that place. Although the students there kept quiet for a while after her inquiry, the noise came out sooner. Moreover, she thinks the conference room advice is a brilliant one. Because doors of these conference rooms can separate noise and therefore, it will not interrupt others. Also, desks there are much bigger, in contrast to those in the lobby. (123 words)