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Problem: 男的注册一门关于生物的课程,晚了,结果学校图书馆没借到书,书店也没得买了,卖没了。 Solutions: 1.去书店买。说是可以为他order新书但是要一个星期以后,来不及;2. buy old books from the students of last year. The man thought the condition of the used book is not good. He doesn’t like. 书上有被做过的标记,他不喜欢。
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\"P: 讲女生喜欢的课她没选到,因为截止日期是上周五,她很想选。但是没办法。 1. 男生说,那下学期能不能选?女的说,下学期是有类似的课,但是课程内容没有现在的吸引他 2. 然后女的说,可以叫extra fee 75刀再注册,然后男的说如果实在喜欢就注册吧。\"
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Problem: 一个男生本来答应和一个女生一起去上chemistry的复习课,结果临时变卦说他要去书店买一本历史课要用的书。 Solutions: 女生建议他先去买书,然后找她借笔记,不过她的字很乱,看不懂的话再找其他人借。第二种选择是陪她一起上chemistry课,然后明天再去买。男生说明天书可能就买完了,因为这个月初他去问的时候老板就说这本书很抢手,经常供不应求。
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Problem: woman收到一个去marine research的offer,但是给的钱不够她去交下学期的tuition. Solutions: man说:1、explain to them and ask for more money(women怕他们收回offer);2、take a part-time job(woman说怕时间不够太累) 问题是:这个女生的问题是什么,你认为应该怎么做,为什么?
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Problem: The man has got a prize for his outstanding term paper and he's going to have a dinner with the university president, but he doesn't know what to wear. Solutions: Solution 1: Wear suit. Problem不记得了。Conclusion: He doesn't have one and he doesn't have time to buy one either. Solution 2: Wear casual clothes. Problem不记得了。Con: He's not sure if it's okay.
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Problem: 一男遇到个难题,想去参加招聘会,因为毕业找工作对他来说非常重要。但是又碰巧是在饭店的打工时间。 Solutions: 女同学给了两个方法:一是跟其他的co-worker调下时间,去招聘会,男说。老板已经很好了,没有安排他上课的时间工作,不好意思再换了。二是工作之前去招聘会,有些公司的老板还是会提前去招聘会的,到时候可以和那些老板谈一下。男的说,这个主意不错,但是如果好的公司在他走了以后才来怎么办?问题是总结男生的问题和女生的建议以及个人的观点。
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Problem: The boy was waiting for Greg at the student center to return the sociology book he borrowed for tomorrow's test. But Greg was in the library and forgot it. Since the boy got a doctor'w appointment and need to get off campus soon, he had to figure a way to return the book as Greg might need it for the test. Solutions: 1. The boy can come back campus after a couple hours and return the book, but before that Greg might already need it for review. 2. The girl he was talking to can help him return the book to Greg in the library, but this may let her walk all across campus back and forth.
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一个男生跟一个女生谈话,说自己在家忘了学校这茬,匆匆忙忙来了学校发现东西忘在家了。提到concert了,还有paper要写。很混乱。女生说东西可以自己回家去取,或者让爸妈送过来。题目,这个男生该咋办,你的两个建议,同意哪一个。题目记不太清了,一定看清是你的建议还是文中提到的建议。是说男生回家把吉他落家里了 然后马上有个concert 但是下周学习太忙还要交论文 所以开车回去太浪费时间; 还有个选择就是用室友的 但是他已经习惯了用自己的 怕效果不好....
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Problem: The woman is planning to move out of campus and she has found an apartment to share with her original roommate, but the apartment is too expensive and she can't afford it. Solutions 1: Ask her roommate to find someone new to share the apartment with her. Con: Difficult to find a new partner for the roommate within such a limited period of time. Solution 2: Get a part-time job in a restaurant. Con: Time-consuming, she may not have enough time to study or socialize with her friends.
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女生说她的film study class明天要看最后一个film但是她有一个doctor appointment so she could not make it to the lecture but she really want to write her final paper on the last film because it interests her the most. 于是男生建议她去rent the film 但是女生说but she would miss the discussion on the second half of the class that her professor is very good at pointing out the techniques used, etc. 然后男生说那你可以写之前看的那些film啊 然后女生说但是这一部是最让我感兴趣的啊 i don’t know what to do
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话说一个男生碰到了一个问题,他很喜欢的历史课从下午被挪到了晚上上,他喜欢这个课,因为课上会讲很多他感兴趣的tradition和technology。遗憾的是他是校篮球队(basketball team)的队员, 他打篮球很好,但是篮球是在晚上打的,有冲突,如果你来选,你怎么选 1. 放弃课程(drop the class) 2. 退出篮球队 (BTW, quit the team 会让其他组员失望disappointed)
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【学生困难】:女生在图书馆看书,忽然想起要赶去教室做她的presentation,路程是10分钟,时间很紧了。男生告诉他下大雨了。没带伞。 【解决方案】:有两个解决方案:男生说出方案1、男生借给女生雨伞,但是雨伞在不远的另一个地方,去取的话要几分钟,然后女生会迟到。女生自己说出方案2、冒雨跑去教室不会迟到,但全身湿淋淋,书和笔记本也全湿掉。描述女生遇到的难题,男生给的两个建议,你的建议,为什么。 
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P: the man wants to drop public speaking class due to the large number of people in class. Solution 1: switch to evening class, there’s only half the number of students compared to the morning class, but evenings are for relaxing and he uses the evening to do homework and watch movies Solution 2: take public speaking class during the summer, there’s no need to worry about it right now, but he’s already taking two other classes in the summer and summer classes are usually short and intensive, so he would be really busy if he took three classes.
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建议给premedical school的第一年学生,让他们在第一年去社区医院或者小诊所做volunteer work。原因有两个:1) 可以让他们更早的积攒经验和熟悉医疗的procedure 2)premedical学生第四年本来也要求做实习,这样他们第四年可以不那么紧张。 然后两个人针对这个讨论,Sam是这个学院的学生,他认为:写这篇文章的人一定是第一年的学生,因为他不了解premedical school的structure,因为这是preclinical离clinical还很远,他们主要学一些基础临床医学知识,为medical school学习做准备,那些社区医院的医疗procedure经验和他们的学习不相关,第四年他们要忙着申请medical school,所以不相关。
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Sally要做presentation却把handout落家了,家在校外很远, S1: 男生开车送她,虽然麻烦却也可吃午饭 S2:不发handout直接讲,但是她都准备了,而且有之会让听众更容易跟着她
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P:The woman lost her part-time job, so she didn't have enough money. S1: to work for her uncle's coffee house, but it is far away from campus, she doesn't have a car, and it takes 1 hour to take the bus. S2: to reduce the entertainment cost, but she cannot enjoy with her friends.
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Problem: The man was supposed to go to the seaside with friends, but Mary asked him to go help her to move out according to a short notice because she has to move out by tomorrow. Solutions: Solution 1: Find someone to replace him. But it might not work at this last minute. Solution 2: Cancel his appointment with his friends. But he has been planning to go for long, and later the weather will turn cold, and they can't go to the beach any more.
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P: 男生想要组建一个远足俱乐部,但是自己的时间很紧,无法做文书招新等准备。他有两个选择 1. 一是找一个朋友来帮忙,但那个朋友和他对俱乐部的想法完全不同,他只想做一些放松和锻炼但他的朋友希望做一个有教授参与学习野外动植物的学术俱乐部。 2. 另一个选择是放弃一些他正在教的数学课,来空出自己的时间。但这样他觉得很对不起那些小孩,因为他是他们唯一学习数学的途径并且他们很喜欢上他的课。
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