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Lecture: 商务经济类,关于 collect information for business marketing 的 2 个方法,第一是quantity way,例子是,一个 car manufacture, use 这个方法通过大量调查,发现 没有孩子的客户购买量大,而有孩子的客户购买量小。第二个方法是 opinion based 就是问卷调查之类的。之后该公司为了查明为什么有孩子的客户购买量小,就用该方法 survey 问卷调查,发现是 car 的 back seat 有问题,孩子觉得不舒服。
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Lecture: 描述当代人口从大城市流向小城市的趋势,该趋势有两点好处:第一,把先进理念从大城市带到小城市。举的例子是他的一个在纽约住过的朋友,觉得纽约的bus service很好,于是回老家后建议人们完善当地的bus service。第二,提高小城市的经济和发展。举的例子还是那个朋友,回老家的时候发现当地的房子又好便宜,于是告诉他在纽约的熟人,然后可以吸引纽约的熟人来买老家的房子。
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Lecture: 讲广告。教授说一种广告是让大家记住商品名字。然后讲了How to do it and why it is important to 记住商品名字(问题就是让你总结这个) How:repeat the name over and over again, show the name on the screen of the TV example:一个洗衣机叫“quick washing” Why:(2点)1. people are likely to buy something. they know the name of 2.把产品的名字和advantages要对上号,不然消费者光知道advantages但不知道是哪个东西有这些优点也白搭啊。问题是:广告的作用是什么,为什么让顾客知道name很重要?
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Lecture: Two survey methods. Example 1: Unstructured method, these are usually open-ended questions that don't really look for specific information, questions like what you want the government do to improve our city. Example 2: Structured method, these are usually close-ended questions that look for specific information, questions like choose from the three to improve our city: building more bicycle trails, building more parks and planting more trees.
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Lecture: 讲infant跟哪种care givers关系好 一种学说,对于infant来说,谁给吃的,跟谁关系好,但是事实并不是这样。教授做了个实验.两个一样的monkey infants。给每一个monkey两care givers:一个是给infant特别舒服的环境,如有软软的毯子的。一个就是不给infant盖的东西。两个infant分别是两种不同的care giver给吃的东西。然后infant有种行为是喜欢谁就向着谁爬,结果发现,不管是哪种care giver给infant吃的东西,infant都爬向那个给舒服环境、给毯子盖的giver. 问题是总结教授的讲座。
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restricted codes,就是same group的人可以用很少的话语就可以让彼此意会。第一方面是share same pro knowledge的人用这个。举了医生例子,医生间用很少的的话就可以解释,但是医生和病人间需要更多细节才能明白。第二个没听见走神了。例子是出去picnic食物被goat吃了,以后大家提起简单地提起goat, picnic就笑,很快就明白意思。
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教授讲了risk of price discounting。 第一这样会导致大家停止购买正常价格的商品。举了一个家具公司的例子,他们在12月有个非常大的促销,几乎所有的商品都打折。过了几年,公司发现顾客在一年其他时间不买他们的商品,就等12月打折时候买。另外一个risk是大家会认为打折商品质量就比较差。举了汽车公司的例子。为了促销新款汽车,打折了。然后顾客就会怀疑是不是因为零件有问题,质量差才打折
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另外一个是迁移动物的behavior的特点。提到两种鸟,一种鸟不迁移,一种鸟会迁移,中间不会受到诱惑二停下来。第二种拿鲨鱼做例子,不知道怎么解释的,但是结论是走直线。题目是用英文中的例子讲一下迁移行动的特点。关于migrating animal’s characteristics的,一是这些migrating animal由于要做长途迁徙to reach their destination,会更focus,不会被别的东西easily disturb到,相对来说,local birds一发现food就很兴奋; 二是migrating animal tend to move in straight line,例子是migrating shark会用geomagnetism来定位直线移动,而local animal就倾向于乱移动来找食物
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讨论沙漠(desert)中的植物如何在强风中生存(survive); 表面长满刺,减少对风的阻力,或者快速生长,防止风吹沙子把自己埋住。 举了两个例子,1. 叫cacua的植物,会长出很多hair,这些hair能够帮助它们牢牢的抓住地面(grip the ground), 并且保持湿润。2 叫heion的植物,它可以快速生长,防止自己被埋在沙子里面
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Employees used to work at the company, while a new method of working is to work at home and communicate by telephone. Two advantage: 1. The company saved the expense of office and other facilities. Example of the reader\'s sister, 25 percent employee work at home saved half a million dollars. 2. The fee of training employees is expensive. When an employee moved away. If allow them to work at home, it\'s a good method to keep them work for the company and save the time and fees of hiring new ones. Example of her sister too. Her sister\'s 
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【讲课要点】:动物欺骗捕食者predator以保护自己defence的两种方法behaviour:举了一个动物(蛇),说是这个动物用2种方法:、第一种、威胁fool。说是做出它们要反击的动作(bite),其实它们不是真的要bite。 第二种、装死以misleading捕食者。翻白眼,张嘴巴,让捕食者以为它们死了。题:用要点例子,讲解动物欺骗捕食者的两种方法。
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2 ways that advertisers sell products 1. Publicity, newspaper and magazines. A product can be showcased here because it costs less. It’s much cheaper than making a commercial. For example, a new game is showcased on a technology magazine. There’s no need to pay more to gain more customers in this way. 2. Creditability; another reason is that newspaper and magazines have creditability. People tend to trust them more and this is a great way to sell
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2 kinds of explanations Attribution: when people believe other things are responsible for their mistakes, like excuses. For example, as a teacher, he always hear excuses like my alarm clock didn't work, to explain that they didn't want to be late. Justification: when people know they’re responsible for their mistakes, but there’s a justified reason behind. For example, if someone ditches the class to go to a job interview thinking the interview is more important than the class, this kind of explanation is called justification.
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两种方法防护beach erosion 1. 造建筑barrier,用混凝土等材料 build construct in shallow water or near shore, 这种construct 减轻 force of the wave, decrease amount of water that reach the beach,降低被浪卷走的沙的数量浪就小了 2. 二是用新的沙子代替冲走的,比如建个泵把海里沙子抽上来,这样以后就会更多冲走新的,旧的就留下来了
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Lecture: 如果predator能够预知prey会做出什么样的行为,那就便于他们捕食了。可是有的动物可以有一些mechanism,让predator无法预知猎物下一步的行为。比如squid. 1)squid并不走直线,速度也不很确定。它会变速,走zigzag那种pattern,于是predator无法anticipate它的行为,就不好抓到它; 2)squid可以变色。比如pink-blue-white这种。比如predator一直在盯着一个pink的东西跑,结果bang,pink的东西不见了,来了个blue的,那么predator就会confuse,于是squid就有机会escape.
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介绍了一种叫gap analysis的商业概念,经营者第一步从企业的实际表现和理想表现上定位出差距(gap),第二步找到方法缩小差距来提高整体商业表现和业绩。教授用了在超市买东西的例子来解释,在一个超市里顾客需要排长队付账,并且向超市经营者抱怨他们等待的时间过长。企业找到问题所在,并比较目前顾客等待时间和顾客期望等待时间的差距。第二步经营者从这个差距出发找到解决方案,比如在繁忙的时间段多开几个收银台来减少等待的时间提高表现。
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Small business that run their business at home have two major drawbacks.  A. unprofessional image; for example, a customer, when calling the business owner of a home-based catering service, hears a baby crying in the background and thinks the boundary between business and the owner\'s personal life is unpleasantly ambiguous.  B. negative impact on the neighbourhood. For example, workers go to the catering service to help out, park their cars in the neighbourhood, and make other neighbours unable to park their cars.
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