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  Task 1:
Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people.What suggestions would you like to give to this friend of yours?

  Task 2:When you take a trip,do you prefer to just look around, or do you prefer to take pictures and keep a journal on the trip.

  The student letter suggests that the school should allow students to drink beverag es in the library
  Reason 1:students need coffee or tea to refresh their mind while reading in the library.
  Reason2:they will do so carefully in order not to spill any drink.

  The woman strongly dis agrees with this opinion
  Reasonl1:there is a caf6 not far away from the library. Taking a few minutes off from studying in the library and having a little walk is a good way to relax.
  Reason2:Accidents do happen sometimes no matter how careful you are with the beverage, so in the long run, there will be stains on the book or damage to the c omputer.

  T4:Information overload
  Information overload occurs when the amount of information exceeds people's processing capacity. People tend to receive a portion of information or ignore all of it.
  The professor uses 2 examples to illustrate

  Example 1:if a company posts to hire employees, usually the HR receives mountainous resumes.He could hardly read them, so he only picks out some ofthem to read
  Example 2: A person is planning to go into chemistry research,  he asks many colleagues to recommend related literature to him.He receives many articles per week and he cannot spare any time to finish them all, as a result, he g ives up reading them

  The girl is quite busy with her coursework and part—time job, she has no time to work out in the gym.
  Solution l:ride to school instead of taking the bus.
  But it takes much time and it’S really hot outside.
  Solution2:Work out in the morning and then take a shower.
  But the girl has to get up very early.

  The professor talks about two way s arctic animals us ed to adapt cold conditions.
  The first one is basking.
  For example,butterflies spread their wings to take in solar energy in order to keep warm.
  The second one is freezing tolerance.
  Even though the water in animals' body will froze in winter,chemicals within their body will prevent from being damaged. When the temperature goes up,the ice will thaw and then the animals will be active to normal.