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ETS于今年6月发布了新的一期TPO模考套题——TPO 33。虽然时隔TPO 32并不遥远,但是作为备考托福的考生来说, 官方难得的模考试题肯定是多多益善,更何况TPO中道道是真题。

小站教育自然也不敢怠慢。在得到TPO 33模考试题后,小站教育的金牌老师加班加点,以第一时间给出了TPO 33的全面解析,不仅包括了所有听力的原文本,还有小站教育的金牌老师给出的完美答案,更有答案详细解析。

为了方便更多同学备考托福,小站教育将TPO 33的听力文本、完美答案、详细解析按照题目顺序汇总,并以pdf的形式回馈给备考学员。

1. A friend of yours wants to go to university next year but cannot decide on a major field of study. What advice would you give your friend to help make this decision?

Sample Answer:

To youngsters, choosing a suitable university for them is an issue with great importance. And if a friend of mine wants to go to university next year but cannot decide on a major field of study, I would give him several valuable suggestions. First of all, he should collect all the information that relates to the potential majors that he desires to select. Thus, this information can equip him with adequate understanding of the majors. You know, lots of students might feel the gap between what they want to acquire and what they really learn due to the lack of basic information about their majors. In addition, if allowed, it would be better for him to choose a university located in his city. Then, if he confronts some insurmountable difficulties, his parents and friends can give him a hand immediately. That can mitigate his burden, no matter for life or for study. (152 words)

2. Do you think that eating healthy food is easier or more difficult today than it was 40 or 50 years ago? Use examples and details to support your answer.

Sample Answer:

From my perspective, I think eating healthy food is absolutely more difficult today than it was 40 or 50 years ago. First of all, in the past, manufacturers were not capable enough to produce diversity of chemicals to promote the growth of the crops, or to boost the taste of food. Majority of people ate comparatively green food or raw food. However, we now though have wider choices no matter for our dinner or snacks, a bunch of them contain additive which definitely are not that healthy. Furthermore, with the fast development of economy, industries like manufacturing sacrifice our environment in order to maximize profit. They discharge pollutants into rivers, air, mountain, cycling these toxic materials into the biological chain. It is certain that the food we grow and eat contain higher level of toxic ingredients due to the modernization.


Ÿ 在 TPO 33 这道 Task 2 我们可以看到,“今昔对比”这种题目还是非常热门的,无论对于独立口语还是独立写作来说,近几年一直时不时的触及到这种类型。

Ÿ 所谓“今昔对比”就是:针对某一个现象或话题(通常热门), 让考生比较此现象或话题对于现在的人和过去的人之间的差异。

Ÿ 就如这道题目中,讨论的话题是现在的人们是不是吃的比过去更加健康。每天,我们都可以在不同的电视节目中看到很多的养生饮食节目,可见人们对于吃还是非常关注的。 当然同学们可以针对这类话题各出己见。在这里给出的 sample answer 中,主要观点是认为过去的人吃的比较健康,2 个论据是“过去的生产商没能力生产添加各种催熟,添加剂的产品”和“当今很多有毒物质已经进入了生物链,进入了人们的餐桌”。

Ÿ 同学们不必拘泥于答案,其实,从反面论证也完全 ok 的。如,“people now are informed of a bunch of knowledge regarding to healthy diet. Thus, they are

more capable of selecting the right food for dinner or snacks.” 人们对于健康饮食的认知比过去要高的多,理所应当地更加知道如何合理饮食,健康饮食。 Ÿ 当然,也经常有童鞋困惑,“我可不可以中立”,答案是:“当然可以”。但是!!!!!!语言组织能力差的童鞋还是不要了!中立最难的地方还是在于怎样将两个对立的观点有逻辑的,流利地衔接起来!所以,“需谨


Ÿ 我们来回顾一下,过去曾经考过的类似的“今昔对比”题:

a) Students working harder than before will result in some beneficial influences than before. What's your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

b) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We are more informed of the world events than our parents when they were young.


Reading Part

Bicycle Borrowing Program

It’s great that the university has a program where students can borrow bicycles from the gym. However, two changes would make the program more convenient. First, the borrowing period should be shortened to four hours maximum so that more bikes would be available when students want to borrow them. Second, currently, students who borrow bikes have to leave a cash deposit, which is returned to them when they return the bikes, but I think students should be required to leave their student identification cards instead, so they don’t have to remember to bring cash. Sincerely, Susan Lee

Listening Part

(woman) Hey, did you read that letter? What do you think?

(man) Yeah, I read it. I understand what she’s saying but I really don’t agree with her suggestions.

(woman) How come?

(man) Well, students often need to borrow the bikes for longer periods of time, sometimes a whole day.

(woman) What for?

(man) Well, like, to do stuff off-campus, for instance, my friends and I on the weekends, sometimes we like to ride bikes to the state park outside of town and do some hiking there. And it basically takes a whole day. It’s night time by the time when we get back.

(woman) So if you had less time you wouldn’t be able to do that.

(man) Right, and also her other suggestion doesn’t seem practical to me.

(woman) The card thing?

(man) Yeah, that’s not gonna work. What if you want to enter a campus building?

Even though you can get into most of the classroom buildings without a card, there are certain buildings on campus where you need to show your card to get in, like the library and dining hall.

(woman) Yeah, that’s true, so students wouldn’t be able to go to any of those places till they got their cards back.

Summarize the proposal then state his opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Sample Answer

The university does have a bicycle borrowing program that benefits the students. The letter from a student named Susan indicates that if the borrowing period can be shortened and cash deposit can be replaced by students’ ID card, it would be more convenient. However, in the conversation, the man doesn’t agree with her suggestions. First of all, if shortened the borrowing time to two hours, it would cause a lot of troubles. For instance, the man and his friend often ride the bicycle off campus and take a hike, which might cost them the whole day. If less time is allowed, they would not be able to do that. Furthermore, using the ID card is not practical for the man. Lots of places can be entered only with students’ ID card such as library and dining hall. So, if the card is used to borrow bicycles, he will not be able to go to these places, which causes more inconvenience.


Reading Part

Carrying Capacity

An animal species needs to have enough resources, like food and water, to survive in any given environment. However, because resources are limited, only a certain number of animals of a particular species are able to survive in a given habitat. The greatest number a habitat can support is known as the carrying capacity. If nothing happens to disrupt or unbalance the relationship between the animal and its habitat, the carrying capacity will remain stable. However, a carrying capacity is not fixed. If there is a significant disruption, such as an environmental event that alters the amount of available resources in the habitat, the carrying capacity will change.

Listening Part

Now listen to part of a lecture in a biology class.

(male professor) OK, so let’s talk about what happened to a certain type of insect, a moth, a red-and-black moth that lives in Europe. These moths eat a plant called Ragwort and they live in fields where the Ragwort plants grow. Now, there was a group of moth that lives in one of these fields and, for many years, there was a lot of Ragwort growing there. So the moth had plenty to eat and the total number of moth in the field stayed pretty much the same.

But then one year it rained a lot less than usual and the Ragwort didn’t grow as well.

The result was that the moth didn’t get enough to eat and many didn’t survive but even the ones that did survive didn’t lay as many eggs as before. So that year the moth population in the field was quite a bit smaller. The next year, though, the amount of rainfall returned to normal and again many more Ragwort plants grew and, once again, there was a lot available for the moth to eat. So that year the moth population increased and the female moth laid many more eggs than the year before. And now, after all that rainfall and plant growth, there were just as many moth in the Ragwort field as there were before.

Explain the concept of carrying capacity using the example of the moth and Ragwort.

Sample Answer

According to the reading materials, the carrying capacity is defined as the greatest number a habitat can support. And the carrying capacity is not fixed, which depends on the amount of available resources in the habitat. The professor in the lecture uses the example of a type of insect called moth and a plant called Ragwort moth like to eat to illustrate how the amount of available resources impacts the carrying capacity. There is a group of moth live in a Ragwort field and if nothing happen, the carrying capacity of that field will stayed the same. However, one year, the Ragwort didn’t grow well due to less rainfall. And decreased availability of Ragwort led to the decrease number of moths. The next year, the rainfall returned to the normal level and more moth eggs were laid. After this 2 year’s fluctuation, the population of moths is the same as it was before. This example fully showed that the carrying capacity will be influenced by the natural events.

5. Listening Part

Listen to a conversation between two students.

(man) Tina, I’m so glad I bump into you.

(woman) Hey, Bob, what’s up?

(man) Well, you know how I told you I could work for you tonight? Cover you shift at the dining hall later?

(woman) Yeah, thanks so much for that. Friday night dinner shifts are tough to find substitutes for.

(man) Well, actually,

(woman) Oh, no! Don’t tell me something came up and you’re canceling? (man) Um, yeah, I’m afraid I forgot tonight I’ve got a music rehearsal for the bend I’m in.

(woman) Music rehearsal?

(man) Yeah, I play keyboards for Little Rock Band here on campus and we’ve got practice tonight to prepare for a concert we’re doing that’s coming up. It’s really kind of important.

(woman) Well, I don’t know what to do now because I already made plans to go to the school’s play with some friends tonight.

(man) Oh!

(woman) Yeah, and there’s no way I can find someone to work my shift now. It’s so last minute.

(man) I’m really sorry, Tina.

(woman) Well, I guess I could cancel my plan to see the play. Go see it another time by myself since my friends are seeing it tonight. I think it’s playing for another week. (man) Or, you know, I guess I could talk to the band leader explain to him that I can’t make the band practice tonight.

(woman) Yeah?

(man) Yeah, I mean, it’s my fault I forgot and I want to do the right thing here since I did say I’d work for you. It’s just that some of the songs are new to me and tonight’s our last practice before the concert. I don’t want to sound bad at the show.

Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which of the two solutions from the conversation you would recommend. Explain the reason for your recommendation.

The man promised to cover the shift at the dining hall for the women. However, the problem is that the man has a rehearsal to attend and cannot cover the shift anymore. It is hard for the woman to find someone else to take the shift and she wants to watch the play tonight. There are two options. The first one is that the man can explain to the band leader and cover the shift. The other option is that the woman takes the shift by herself and watches the play the other day. From my perspective, I think the second option is better. Since it is the last practice before the concert and some of the songs are new to him, it would be better for the man to attend the practice tonight, or his performance might lead the whole band to sound bad. Although the woman will miss the play tonight, there still might be chances that the play is playing for another week. She can watch it later.

6. Listen to part of a talk in a business class.

(female professor) OK, so last time we were talking about the processes of starting up a business on your own. And how new business owners often encounter a lot of obstacles. But one way to get an easier start is through franchising. That’s when there’s already a well-known, established company and you open up a new branch of that company in a new location. Your new business will be a part of the larger established company with the same name and it’ll be run just like the other branches of that company. Let’s discuss some advantages of franchising.

Now, one great advantage of franchising is that the company provides training to you and all of your employees. They teach you about all the aspects of the business and you’re given a plan to follow for success. So, you don’t have to do the training yourself or come up with your own business plan. For example, if you’re opening up a new division of a restaurant that sells pizza, say. Somebody from the company will come to the restaurant that you’re opening and they’ll train you and your employees in how to prepare the pizzas, how to take food orders, plus everything about how to operate the restaurant so it’ll be run exactly like all the other restaurants in the company.

Another advantage of franchising is the established customer base because your business will have the same name as the company that’s already well-known. It’ll already have loyal customers following. So when you open a new division people will want to come because they’ll be confident of its quality. So, again, let’s say you’re opening a new restaurant, a pizza place. The restaurant is already well-known because it has such good pizza. So when you open your own restaurant with the same name in a new location, people know your pizza’s going to be really good, too. They’ll go to your restaurant because they already trust they’ll have a good experience there.

Using the professor’s example of the pizza restaurant, explain two advantages of franchising.

Sample Answer

In the lecture, the professor talks one way to get an easy start of a business, that is, franchising. It means opening a branch of an established company and has the same name and run like all the other branches. There are two advantages of franchising.

The first one is that the company provides training to branch owners and all of their employees. For instance, if you want to open a pizza restaurant, someone from the company will train you and your employees in how to prepare the pizzas, how to take food orders and so forth, including how to operate the restaurant just like all the other restaurants.

The second advantage is the established customer base since your business owns the same name as the company that’s already well-known. Customers will come due to the confidence of quality. Still take the pizza restaurant as an example. Since the company already owns a big name for good pizza, if you open a new branch of it, people believe your pizza will be good, too.


Ÿ 当同学们听完 task 6 的 lecture 之后,有没有突然发现!!!ETS 又又又又又 “炒冷饭”了!一开始听 lecture 之前的旁白,得知是 business 方面的话题。之后,话题刚一开始,一个熟悉的专业名词跳出来了,那就是“franchising”! 到底到底到底哪里出现过呢,同学们仔细回忆一下,追述到…公元前…不对… 寒武纪…

Ÿ 前面是玩笑话啦,只要是刷过 TPO 的童鞋不能发现,就在 TPO 20 中的,task 4,一模一样的一个话题,我们来仔细看看,这两道题到底是有多相似。


TPO 20 Task 4 TPO 33 Task 6

In franchising, someone who wants to open a store or restaurants pays an established company for the right to use the company's name and sell the company's products.. In the lecture, the professor talks one way to get an easy start of a business, that is, franchising. It means opening a branch of an established company and has the same name and run like all the other branches.

Let’s say I want to open up a pizza For example, if you’re opening up a

restaurant. Well, I know how tough it is to make a new business succeed. And I want a sure thing, so I contact the big company that owns a chain of pizza places. Let’s say it’s called, “Pizza Town.” And I pay for the rights to call my restaurant Pizza Town and to sell Pizza Town’s special, one of a kind, pizza. new division of a restaurant that sells pizza, say.

Now, since everyone has heard of Pizza Town, it’s really popular, I don’t have to worry about whether people would want to eat my pizza or not, I already know this pizza will sell well because it’s a known thing. And that means there’s a better chance my business will succeed. So, again, let’s say you’re opening a new restaurant, a pizza place. The restaurant is already well-known because it has such good pizza. So when you open your own restaurant with the same name in a new location, people know your pizza’s going to be really good, too. They’ll go to your restaurant because they already trust they’ll have a good experience there.

I have to agree to

run the business the

Pizza Town way. And Pizza Town


me to do this

. They show me

how to

do everything, how to make my pizzas

taste like Pizza Town pizzas, how to

advertise, even how to make my store

look like a Pizza Town

Somebody from the company will come to the restaurant that you’re opening and they’ll train you and your employees in how to prepare the pizzas, how to take food orders, plus everything about how to operate the restaurant so it’ll be run exactly like all the other restaurants in the company.

Ÿ 对比完这两题的 script 了之后,有没有恍然大悟!有没有惊天发现!不就是把同一个内容,套了 2 个不同的包装,换了个题目编号,结构调整调整,就出了一道新的题目出来了。

Ÿ ETS 的“旧题新出”早已经不新鲜了,他们可能由于各种原因,如“人力成本”等原因,不愿意大费周章地出新题。这样想来…也是可以理解的嘛…这也难怪继“阅读”中不断炒冷饭之后,连口语也开始了!不过么,凡是总是有两面,对于考生么来说,这也算是好消息,考官不愿意动脑子,那么,我们也可以少费点精神。不出新题,同学们准备起来也会相对简单很多。如果是不是换新题,估计一大票莘莘学子可就要抓耳挠腮,加,拽头发!

Ÿ 总而言之,同学们在准备口语 4.6 题的时候,还是要针对一些常考话题入手,如动物,植物,心里学,商务,市场…

