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2014年7月12日的托福口语考试中有一道题目是“Some people enjoy doing indoor activities, others enjoy doing outdoor activities. Which do you prefer? Explain why.”你喜欢室内活动还是室外活动?针对这样一道托福口语题目考生该如何作答?下面就为大家带来一个范文。

托福口语题目:Some people enjoy doing indoor activities, others enjoy doing outdoor activities. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

托福口语范文:I prefer to do indoor sports for the following reasons. First, working out indoors means I can exercise regardless of the weather. For example, I can have fun playing badminton with my friends, it doesn’t matter how hard it snows or rains outside. During summer days that are crazy hot, we can exercise without getting sun burnt indoors. Second, indoor activities are less intensive. That mean we don’t get injured that easily comparing to doing outdoor sports like skiing or snowboarding. Indoor sports like yoga are more soothing, or relaxing. 

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