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托福阅读的十大题型中,修辞目的题(rhetorical purpose questions)是新托福阅读中难度较大的题型之一。这种题型对于国内考生来说较为陌生,在考场上时间紧张的情况下考生往往不知该在文中什么地方找答案。那么,对于这样一种类型的题目我们究竟该从何入手呢?在以下的一些例题中,我们就为大家进行详细的分析。


4. 若是A-B-C, 或A: B,单词在B中,(1)则读本句后选择答案。


Paragraph 6:As these experiments show, begging apparently provides a signal of need that parents use to make judgments about which offspring can benefit most from a feeding. But the question arises, why don't nestlings beg loudly when they aren't all that hungry? By doing so, they could possibly secure more food, which should result in more rapid growth or larger size, either of which is advantageous. The answer lies apparently not in the increased energy costs of exaggerated begging—such energy costs are small relative to the potential gain in calories— but rather in the damage that any successful cheater would do to its siblings, which share genes with one another. An individual's success in propagating his or her genes can be affected by more than just his or her own personal reproductive success. Because close relatives have many of the same genes, animals that harm their close relatives may in effect be destroying some of their own genes. Therefore, a begging nestling that secures food at the expense of its siblings might actually leave behind fewer copies of its genes overall than it might otherwise.

Q:In paragraph 6, the author compares the energy costs of vigorous begging with the potential gain in calories from such begging in order to

A:explain why begging for food vigorously can lead to faster growth and increased size.

explain how begging vigorously can increase an individual’s chance of propagating its own genes。

point out a weakness in a possible explanation for why nestlings do not always beg vigorously

argue that the benefits of vigorous begging outweigh any possible disadvantages

